MovieChat Forums > The Purge: Election Year (2016) Discussion > Propaganda at its most blatant?

Propaganda at its most blatant?

I just saw this and while there were a few sequences that were beautifully shot, almost everything else about this movie was just plain ugly. Especially it's obviously forced pro-Hillary Clinton message and anti-Donald Trump message. But what baffles me most is how this movie is getting positive reviews from critics. Do they actually think this movie is good in terms of quality? Or because they are all secretly Hillary Clinton supporters?

What do you guys think?


Yes, it is pro-Killary propaganda. I came to the comment section to post that as soon as i read the description of the movie.


I mostly enjoyed the first two -- this was pure pro-dumbocrat propaganda *beep* though.


Absolutely it is nothing more than Social Justice Warrior Bull$hiest for two hours. What made the first two films so entertaining was their sheer brutality and the fact that just about everyone has fantasized about wanting to purge some A-hole at one point in their lives. This was literally nothing more than a two hour documentary of Black Lives Matter, complete with the utterly ridiculous "white supremacist/evangelist" stereotype. Just laughably BAD.


OP, I think if this movie offended you, then there's something wrong with what you are believing. If you think the sadistic politician sacrificing people in the name of America is a Donald Trump inspired character, then that tells me you're agreeing that he is that terrible of a human being and his fans are that rabid and sadistic. So what is it?

Do you see Trump when you see the minister? If so...find a new candidate to back.

That being said, this movie was terrible. I had fun laughing at most of it with my friend, but it was not worth seeing really. I could have not seen it and been just as happy.


At the end of the movie, Florida turns from purple to blue in a news cast, but that's the only indication in the entire move that the protagonist is a Democrat. All of the politics would lead a person with evan a smidgen of knowledge about history to believe that she's a Republican. Democrats have always supported racism, segregation, the KKK, and the socialist system that rewards laziness to keep "dysgenic" populations contained. "The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population..." The culture of death boldly portrayed in this movie is a worldview that is a natural outgrowth of abortion, genocide, and euthanasia. The corruption of insurance companies to target individuals and companies is eerily similar to what Obama has done with the IRS. The reason cited in the movie for killing people is caused by progressives ignoring federal income. Even the use of the media as a propaganda tool is completely within the purview of the Democrats. So it is indeed blatant propaganda, but it slides right off of conservatives. It might, however, be a little sticky for corrupt Republicans who pledge to work with Democrats and "cross the isle".


but wasnt this written and filmed before hilary and donald became finalist?

i've got feelings too, ya know - inbetweeners



I think this movie has a little something to offend everyone. When the black dude said "that's a whole lotta negroes and we're sitting here like a f---ing bucket of chicken" I actually laughed out loud and said "Stereotypes..."

It was like it tried to be PC in a way, but still ended up being a ton of stereotypes including the PC stereotypes of "honest hardworking immigrant" "former gang member gone straight with a small business" "idealistic female politician" etc. To me, everything was so stereotyped and blatant that I stopped taking it seriously. It went over the top for me.

What I got as far as messages was: Almost all white people are bad, about half of black people are bad, Asians were hiding from the Purge somewhere or were all wearing masks, foreigners are dicks who just want to come for the "fun" parts of America, don't do drugs, stay in school, separation of church and state is why we don't have a human sacrificing government cult, capitalism is evil, and don't forget to vote.

I didn't think that the woman governor was like Hillary since she wasn't sending national secrets in unsecured emails, and she didn't literally have brain damage, and she wasn't married to a sleazy former president. The New Founding Fathers didn't seem like Trump since they weren't loud, obnoxious a-holes; more like quietly plotting guys who already had control. Everybody else was in "The Rent is Too Damn High" party.

Honestly, I was there for the creepy masks and the blinged-out chainsaws, and I got that, darn it, so God bless America.

There is no objective reality... and that's Sucker Punch
