
Sounds pretty credible.

For example page two of this article says that Chloe takes a sample of Lucifer's blood from the crime scene to try to find out who he really is, but there are parties who don't want his divinity revealed.

Also, Tom will be singing a "stirring performance" of All Along The Watchtower in the season opener.

See more here:


I put my heart and my soul into my work, and have lost my mind in the process. --Van Gogh


OMG...I don't know if I believe this is a legit article or not. But they're quoting Tricia Helfer. You won't believe what "Mom" has to do!


p.s. It's a legit article. I'm surprised Tricia Helfer revealed this much.

Exaggerate the essential, leave the obvious vague. —Vincent Van Gogh


Full TV Guide interview (small part posted before).


Exaggerate the essential, leave the obvious vague. —Vincent Van Gogh


New Entertainment Weekly interview with Tom Ellis. More mini-spoilers inside. This is a good interview. Lots of good stuff coming up!


Exaggerate the essential, leave the obvious vague. —Vincent Van Gogh


I am perplexed!! Can you think of any reason, TE would refer to 'Trixie' as a "dream killer"? Is this some British expression?


Well, I'm stretching here, but could it be a compliment? As in, she's such a good little actress that it kills any dreams anyone else has of ever being as great as she is?

Exaggerate the essential, leave the obvious vague. —Vincent Van Gogh


Oh, I am pretty sure it was intended as a compliment - but what weird wording! Your guess is as good as anything my mind can come up with. I suppose it is in the same vein as "heart breaker" to suggest a little girl will grow up beautiful and charming and break boys hearts - it is still odd wording! The Brits do have some unique expressions and I wondered if this might be one.


What came to mind for me was a young artist I met from Italy. She said she envied us in the US because in Italy there are so many great artists throughout their history who set the standard so high, that it feels kind of pointless for a lot of young artists to even try. Now that's what I call a "dream killer". :)

So on a completely unrelated note. I've been watching Salem on Hulu and Lucifer is being promoted like crazy! Every ad break starts with the new Lucifer promo plus shorter little blurbs as well. It's really nice to see.

Exaggerate the essential, leave the obvious vague. —Vincent Van Gogh


I guess that does make sense and yes it must feel defeating to even contemplate a career as an artist in Italy or in the Netherlands. That is a bit of a harsh assessment of American art though! Okay - so it mightn't have centuries upon centuries of arts but the Wyeth family comes to mind as does Georgia Okeefe. The US may have its flaws but it is hardly an artistic barren.

CTV has been promoting Lucifer as well - I am not so sure about the frequency as I haven't had the TV on for much. I did catch the first episode of White Collar tonight on an independent station. I saw the first couple of years when it first ran but then it was moved to a payfor channel. I am hoping this little independent station will run the whole series. It ran Burn Notice a year or two ago - except for the LAST few episodes! I had almost forgotten what a neat little show WC was even if they really should have boned up on Canadian security infra-structures.

I am trying so hard NOT to count hours to Monday night...


They didn't show the last few episodes of Burn Notice? That's criminal! I loved that show, btw. The last season was rough but Jeffrey Donovan had some Emmy worthy performances and it was all worth it in the end.

The Italian girl wasn't saying that our art is bad, she was envious of the freedom artists have here because they don't have the constraints of living up to some of the greatest artists in history. Expectations there are difficult to meet. I will say, though, that the training they get there puts our art training to shame. I had a sculpture teacher from eastern Europe who had to study anatomy for two years before they even let him touch the clay! He was an incredible artist but so many of the students had no appreciation for him. It's a kind of naivete we have that allows for freedom of expression and experimentation, which is what she envied, but unfortunately, it also produces a lot of really bad art. lol.

Exaggerate the essential, leave the obvious vague. —Vincent Van Gogh


Just to add to that, I thought her response to Lucifer about his name was hilarious. "Dude, I have a friend named Adolph!" lol.

Exaggerate the essential, leave the obvious vague. —Vincent Van Gogh


I mentioned it in the twitter thread, but not sure people saw it since that thread is so long. Thought I'd post it here again.

Rachael Harris ‏@RachaelEHarris
'MmmDecker' Is back in THREE DAYS @LaurenGerman BRINGS IT & @tomellis17 isn't the only one who sings @LuciferonFOX

Lots of intrigue in that little shout out. Will Lauren actually sing in the show???

That's an exciting prospect.

Exaggerate the essential, leave the obvious vague. —Vincent Van Gogh


It wouldn't surprise me that she can sing. She really is a most talented woman! I am trying to visualize the context of her singing in episode one. I wouldn't have been surrised if they had included her and the other ladies belting out tunes in the ladies night out scene.


Yeah, it's probably a later episode, since Rachel just posted that yesterday.

Lauren really is talented. I don't think people give her enough credit. I think she might have suffered from being so pretty and young looking that people didn't take her seriously and didn't giver her roles that allowed her to show off that talent. (Although I certainly haven't seen a lot of her work).

I think she plays straight woman to Lucifer really, really well. Her expressions are a wonderful counterpart to his outrageous remarks, making her very funny in her own right, which is not easy for a straight man to do. Especially considering her character's a no-nonsense, logic-minded chick who could easily come across as cold. I can totally imagine many actresses playing Chloe that way. Or exaggerating her reactions so they wouldn't seem natural. I think Lauren was perfectly cast in this role, just like everyone else in the show has been so far.

Have to say, I loved seeing the scene between Ella and Lucifer. I've been wondering how she was going to fit in, and sure enough, her introduction seemed seamless and funny.

Can't wait!

Exaggerate the essential, leave the obvious vague. —Vincent Van Gogh


I'm supposed to be doing a defrost/cleaning of my freezer at this moment, but seriously, this is so much more important and fun!

I had been a little off on the whole Ella thing - Not that the actress and character wouldn't be good.. It is just that they still only have 13 episodes confirmed and I was/am afraid time and development will be taken away from the Maze Dan Dr.Linda, DB and Mum characters. I will admit though that scene was excellent! She added that hug thing on her own and apparently the surprise and bewilderment on TE's face was pretty genuine as she stepped outside the expected.

I have been so impressed at the ability to find and perfectly cast people who don't get overwhelmed in scenes with TE. He is a rather dominant presence on the screen in this show in just about every sense. Lauren has, perhaps, the biggest task balancing his presence given her role as straight woman and her physical presence and she pulls it off with grace and humour.


There are more tweets now, from Aimee Garcia with Lauren commenting, which seem to imply that Aimee's the one "Singing In the Rain" with Tom Ellis.

Exaggerate the essential, leave the obvious vague. —Vincent Van Gogh


Here's a tantalizing hint:

The show lets you do comedy, drama, action…you even got to sing. What would you love to see Lucifer do next?
Well, I joked with the writers that I’d like to see someone do a dance with the Devil at some point, and I think they might have listened to that. There may be something coming up.

Loved this opening line:

Lucifer Morningstar, the fallen angel who puts the “Hell” in “Hello, gorgeous,” is back for Season 2—


Exaggerate the essential, leave the obvious vague. —Vincent Van Gogh


I put these in the wrong thread yesterday so moving them here:


Trixie looks like she's being interrogated again. She's up to something, or so the Chuckie doll look-alike would indicate. lol.

Exaggerate the essential, leave the obvious vague. —Vincent Van Gogh


That is such an intriguing set of pictures! It does look like the setting for the Trixie shot is the same as the one with Chloe and the 'Chuckie' doll backing up your interpretation. I am finding the next picture of Lucifer in the foreground looking rather intense particularly interesting.


So right. I'm intrigued by many things in these photos. Like the fact that Maze looks so chic and civilized. lol. And that Dan, Chloe, and Lucifer seem to be working together.

I also like how the station seems to have had quite the upgrade since the beginning of the first season. Quite the high tech looking building for a local government facility.

I wonder if we're going to see the old Lucifer anytime soon? Last week there were zero sexual innuendos made whatsoever. I realized later that it's probably one reason the episode felt different to me. I can see that his relationship with Chloe has evolved, but I doubt he's going to stop propositioning her overnight.

We'll see. It's going to be a fun ride no matter what, and I'm sure I'll be surprised. I always am.

Exaggerate the essential, leave the obvious vague. —Vincent Van Gogh


I wonder if we're going to see the old Lucifer anytime soon?

I am guessing the search for Mum and the encounter with the girl might have put Lucifer off his game. (oh my but that was so funny!!) There is the clip with Chloe saying, "What am I going to do with you?" and Lucifer replying he could think of a few things that would require a stretch first... so no, I dont think the old Lucifer is gone!

Someone was remarking on continuity and the fact the penthouse got put together in the space of a couple of days. The appearance of the new station is a much more dramatic break in the continuity but it does have a neat look about it.


Oh yes, thank goodness and thanks for the reminder. And he makes that crack with that little run of the tongue under his lower lip. He's too much! Never thought I'd be rooting for overtly sexual remarks on a tv show, but they're just so perfectly funny.

Yeah, that's a big difference in their office situation. It's an impressive set. That glass catwalk. Looks like some high-tech company in Silicon Valley. I wonder if they're using a real office building somewhere? Or if they actually constructed that set. Like I said, it's impressive.

I love a lot of the spaces they use. I keep wondering where that auction took place. That was a really impressive space too. I just can't imagine what a space like that would be used for, with all those levels and balconies. I DO know where the glass chapel is. :) Not a set, a real, very beautiful place.

Exaggerate the essential, leave the obvious vague. —Vincent Van Gogh


Here is your answer! It is a rather nifty site!


The Chan Centre for the Performing Arts (UBC)
Illegal Auction
Lucifer and Amenadiel attend the auction where Lucifer's wings are being sold in episode #107 "Wingman"


Ah, thank you. That's one of the sites I've been looking for and couldn't remember the name. The other one shows the actual sets on the show, like Lux and his loft, etc. Do you know that site?

Exaggerate the essential, leave the obvious vague. —Vincent Van Gogh


I'm sure this must be evidence of a mind that needs something else to do... but yes I do...



You are a total love. Thank you!

No need to worry about our mild obsession. I've always been like this, when I get interested in something, I go all in. It's just never been a tv show before! lol

So do not worry. Besides, this too, will pass. :)

Exaggerate the essential, leave the obvious vague. —Vincent Van Gogh


You are welcome and really?? This will pass? My friends are praying for that day to come soon!!


lol...believe me, I get it.

All I only know one thing for certain, everything is impermanent, so this too shall pass, --eventually.

In the meantime, might as well enjoy it. We're not hurting anybody, are we?

Exaggerate the essential, leave the obvious vague. —Vincent Van Gogh


I am wondering if Trixie is having problems or something stemming from the kidnapping or Lucifer being shot? I hope not. It looks like Lucifer is there to observe or assist somehow? I hope she gets to give Lucifer a big hug and he doesn't cringe too much at it.


Yeah, are they going to address her kidnapping? I sure hope so. I mean, she's been through a trauma.

Exaggerate the essential, leave the obvious vague. —Vincent Van Gogh


Totally shallow moment but does anyone else when looking at that top picture of intense Lucifer want to run their fingers over that scruff? he's quite delicious looking in that shot...well all shots really but particularly that one IMO.


no comment. :)

Exaggerate the essential, leave the obvious vague. —Vincent Van Gogh


Looks like we'll be meeting Charlotte Richard's husband (or brother?), if the guest star listing for the episode is any indicator.

Guest Cast: Eric Ladin as Liam Pickering; Colin Egglesfield as Ben Wheeler; Michael Goorjian as Elliot Richards; Daniel Edward Mora as Victor Perez

Not a bad looking husband, if that's his relationship to her.

Wonder what's going down with Charlotte's family situation? He's not listed as being in any other episodes so far. But Tricia Helfer says that Charlotte's got kids, and the family doesn't know that the real Charlotte died!

Colin Egglesfield is probably the bad guy, or at best a suspect.

Here are some additional cast members listed under Liar, Liar, Slutty Dress on Fire

Derrick van Wyk - Agent Colburn
Daniel Edward Mora - Victor Perez
Babak Haleky - Hotel Manager
Carlo Yu - Bloody Gang Banger

Exaggerate the essential, leave the obvious vague. —Vincent Van Gogh



After the bodies of two young L.A. transplants are found poisoned, Chloe and Lucifer hunt for the killer. Upon Maze convincing Chloe to go out for drinks, which the detective perceives as an act of friendship, but is actually part of a bet between Maze and Lucifer, the two make a shocking decision in the all-new “Lady Parts” episode of LUCIFER airing Monday, Oct. 17 (9:01-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (L-204) (TV-14 D, L, V)

Guest Cast: Jarelle Hepburn as Stoner, Jordan Connor as Stoner Leroy, Nikolai Witschl as Cleveland Mathers, Kiko Ellsworth as Davis Fitzgerald, Maria Turner as Gisele, and Anne Leighton as Lily.

I had the idea that the world’s so full of pain it must sometimes make a kind of singing. --R. Hass


That sounds like a lot of fun! Especially the going out for drinks part.


What about Lucifer and Maze having a bet!!!

Not sure Chloe's going to like that!

I had the idea that the world’s so full of pain it must sometimes make a kind of singing. --R. Hass


And what's the shocking decision? That's what's got me concerned. Must be about Lucifer.


The description is a little wordy, but if you break it down, it should mean that Chloe & Maze make a shocking decision. So it could be about Lucifer, or about the two of them or about something else altogether. I don't know, hard to imagine them coming up with something "shocking" but that's what these writers do, surprise us.

I had the idea that the world’s so full of pain it must sometimes make a kind of singing. --R. Hass


snort - the shocking decision - they are going to be besties 


The wording is very awkward at best. If the shocking decision is made by Chloe and Maze, maybe it is about getting Maze on the police force - Maze was hinting at wanting a job and now that she is trying to separate herself from Lucifer maybe she is revisiting the idea.
That would be shocking to Lucifer I think!


ooh! You are so smart! Wouldn't that be a kick?

I had the idea that the world’s so full of pain it must sometimes make a kind of singing. --R. Hass


The idea is a follow on from how I saw last season end. Maze was at odds with her world in too many ways and still is. Detective Dan was at odds with his in a potentially career ending pile of trouble. I kind of wondered if he would be bounced off the force, and set up a private detective agency with Maze as HIS sidekick or something... That idea went out the window when Dan got reinstated.


Yes, Maze is trying to establish her own identity, somewhat independent of Lucifer and his family drama.

I can't imagine them getting everybody on the show involved with the police force, but maybe Maze does become a PI, or a private bodyguard or something? I don't know, I'm also really wondering what's going on with her in the very chic looking dress and jewelry, too. Maze, what are you up to?

I had the idea that the world’s so full of pain it must sometimes make a kind of singing. --R. Hass


I am not so sure how to view that white garment... Yes it has a high neckline but just strings for the sides. It looks brutally uncomfortable!
I have had a problem with my imagination conjuring up difficult images ever since those quotes were released, specically about borrowing from Maze's wardrobe... Tricia Helfer is a bit taller than Lesley-Ann and well... picturing them trying to fit Tricia into those clothes!!!


Okay, well I think we can see the result of that in the spoiler I posted below!

We also learn when one of the lines we were guessing about is spoken.

I had the idea that the world’s so full of pain it must sometimes make a kind of singing. --R. Hass


You have to wonder what those two are up to.
