MovieChat Forums > Saving Christmas (2014) Discussion > A Poignant Film that Keeps One Thinking ...

A Poignant Film that Keeps One Thinking for Days!

I was delighted and surprised by this joyous film that is just in time for Christmas. My wife and I have been blessed with thirteen children and it is rare that we all will go to see a film together. However, this was an exception that proved to be far too important to pass up.

As a family, we were not disappointed in the slightest. Throughout the film we laughed, cried and had deep moments of self-searching and introspection. Because we were the only people in the theater, we were able to clap along and cheer during the passionately crafted dance scene.

What is more important is that the subtleties and nuance of the film keep one discovering narratives for days after viewing. For example, my daughter Grace excitedly noted how Christian's character is facing a spiritual crisis and that his challenges are reflective of those that many actual Christians face on a daily basis! This masterful move by Mr. Cameron truly adds a depth to the film that is not apparent upon first viewing.

Mr. Cameron also reminds us that many of the questions we ask ourselves can easily be answered. God, in all his glory, is responsible. I've found that many of my fears have eased now that I've been reminded that everything from the Christmas tree that I buy, to the food that I eat, are all part of his divine plan.

If there were any justice in this world, Mr. Cameron would receive multiple Academy Awards for this film.


If there were any justice in this world, Mr. Cameron would receive multiple Academy Awards for this film.

This is your only IMDB post.


Because we were the only people in the theater, we were able to clap along and cheer during the passionately crafted dance scene.


hockeybmcg, That is hilarious. You rock! Too bad for those who do not understand your 'review'.


Based on the replies, clearly you should have made sure to hold up your "sarcasm" sign when posting this. Lol.

I haven't even seen the movie and I knew you were being sarcastic.


Stellar! Comedy writing should be your forte. You hooked me at "thirteen children" and I was close to losing my coffee via nostrils at: "Because we were the only people in the theater, we were able to clap along and cheer during the passionately crafted dance scene". I admit I had to wipe away a joyful tear with your last sentence. WELL DONE! Even if you're not a Poe, (which I seriously doubt) you sincerely gave me a good chuckle to start out the day.


I am extremely surprised by all of the responses to this post! However, I feel there are some individuals posting here who haven't seen the film and are causing confusion.

Firstly, this film was not written by Edgar Allen Poe. While I am not overly familiar with his work, I certainly would never allow my family to view something of his.

Secondly, there are no trolls in this film. Mr. Cameron would never allow for something so utterly fictitious and unbelievable as trolls to take away from the touching, but serious, nature of his story.

As someone has pointed out, my earlier post was the only post attributed to me. This is not true, I had expressed excitement for the live action "Family Circus" movie that was in pre-production in 2010, but this page, and thus, my post, no longer appears on the website for some reason. Also, in the past, we had avoided the theater as misleadingly titled films had caused great discomfort for us. Fortunately, our pastor pointed us to this page!:

Now that we have proper guidance, I am sure that visits to the theater will become much more frequent!


Thanks for the link! That site is a gift that keeps on giving!

"Throughout history every mystery ever solved has turned out to be....NOT magic." -Tim Minchin


Thank you for that link, hockeybmcg. I wasn't aware of that site before you linked to it here, but I'm glad you made me aware of it.

hockeybmcg, if you are sincere about the things you have said, then this board and others like it could use a lot more Bible-believing Christians to defend the real gospel and oppose false gospels/doctrines of demons that many current so-called "faith movies" promote in the place of the real gospel.

The reason why you have received so many responses to this thread is because many immature atheists like to pretend to be Christians in order to make fun of Christians. So many atheist posters are assuming you are one of their own pretenders, and cheerleading for you based on that assumption.

Personally, I'll reserve judgement about whether you are pretending or not until/unless you make more posts. Whether you are in fact a Bible-believing Christian or an atheist pretender would inevitably become 100% clear in your posts over time.

If you continue to choose not to make more posts over time, that lends credence to the theory that you are a pretender, because one reason why a pretender would not make lots of posts is because he knows that his charade would become exposed as soon as his lack of spiritual insight causes him to say anything that a man of God would never say. And he knows him slipping up like that is the inevitable outcome of pretending. So he says little in order to avoid slipping up. Are you avoiding making posts in order not to slip up and thus keep up your charade? If you are not pretending, then please show me you are not, by making more posts on a regular basis. But more importantly, show God.

If you are indeed a Bible-believing Christian, then my first question to you is: why do you not defend God/Jesus/the Bible on these boards more often?

And my second question is: will you serve God by defending God/Jesus/the Bible on these boards more often henceforth?

"Science creates fictions to explain facts" – Gilman


I now retract my statement which thanked the OP for the link to the Christian movie review site and expressed my approval of it. When I first saw that link, I glanced at a couple of reviews to see whether that site was promoting or denying God's message. In those reviews, it seemed to be doing the former, so I approved of it.

However, today I looked at its review of the new Star Wars film and noticed that it categorizes taking God's name in vain - a grievous sin and major violation of the Ten Commandments - as "minor profanity." Therefore, I now know that that site is not of God and is not to be trusted. I therefore withdraw my approval of that site and condemn it as satanic.

"Science creates fictions to explain facts" – Gilman


Is that you, Drusilla Clack?


It's beautiful...Thank you sir!

The best films become the worst, and the worst films become the best.


I love you. This is my favorite post in the history of the internet. Thank you. Props for your daughter's name. It slayed me.
