Wonderful movie!

Not the usual Lifetime movie. It was excellent from start to finish. I enjoyed it.


Different from what I expected, though still as good as I hoped.

SPOILERS upcoming...

Not the usual Lifetime movie.

Agreed, which is great, especially considering the serious topic. In addition to the performances of the entire cast, I was happy that the writer didn't push the romance aspect, plus didn't portray one of those completely unrealistic, forced/disjointed/illogical happy endings. The one chosen still created plenty of emotion, including satisfaction and encouragement.

P.S. It's the only recent project AnnaSophia has been involved with that I give a thumbs up for.

Edited for clarity.

W-a-a-a!..W-a-a-a!..How do you like it?!?..W-a-a-a!


Yes the characters were realistic and the ending was wonderful as well.



I agree autism is as serious condition as others such as AIDS or Cancer. This movie handled it very well.

As for drugs, in the past, doctors answer for everything was pills which is why there were so many celebrities and non celebrities hooked on drugs.


I also believe in the cause, namely, raising awareness about autism and related disorders (ASDs). In fact, I'm upset that ASDs receive so little attention, esp. compared to the huge publicity campaign for AIDS in the past. Something must be done ASAP to find the cause and cure for these diseases, which afflict so many innocent children.

Autism awareness is likely to ramp up as more information becomes available, including how common cases are, and people discover a good approach. A few being extremely aggressive and preachy usually causes negative feedback rather than support.

I'm suspicious that pharma is all too happy to have tons of drugs dumped into children's veins, with the passive complicity of pediatricians.

$$$$$$$$$$$ via any means. Beyond that, physicians face the problem of people being way too needy. More specifically, people want a problem fixed immediately, and don't want to hear things such as "It'll run its course." Therefore, to avoid harassment, complaints, etc, doctors are strongly pressured to provide some type of treatment to their patients, even if just as a placebo.

Additionally, in regard to children (at least in the U.S.) genuine parents are extremely rare nowadays -- a situation I feel very frustrated and disappointed about.

W-a-a-a!..W-a-a-a!..How do you like it?!?..W-a-a-a!


I enjoyed the movie and thought it was pretty good. My problem though, is Jack's Miracle Worker approach to autism. I'm not a doctor but I don't think that approach would work for someone with autism. It's totally different. Helen Keller's brain worked the same as most people it was just locked away behind the deprivation of the senses of sight and hearing. For a person with autism, they have those senses but their brain functions differently.


I liked it a lot too :)

"You're an idiot." - Irisa Nolan, Defiance (2013)


I think Taylor Richardson was amazing.
Janet Grillo must be a great director to get that out of her. I mean the part must be far away from anything the kid would know.
