It Wasn't THAT Bad

I was totally prepared to be outraged after reading the comments on IMDb. But when I watched it, I was pleasantly surprised. Admittedly, I was not an Aaliyah fan, I am 66 years old, but I was deeply saddened by her senseless death. But, I would not give it a 3,


It really was that bad. There was no Aaliyah in this film. If Tim and Missy, along with Aaliyah's remaining family, had been involved then we would have seen something way different and personal. The lack of Aaliyah music made it worse and I did not for once feel like I was in the 90s.

The TLC movie captured the era, the music, and the personalities so well.


It was THAT bad!!

The best things are last



Yes it was that TERRIBLE. I am a firm believer that if the family objects, then you can it. Part of the reason other biopics were a success was because of family input. Usually when a biopic is done PERFECTLY, there are more than cover songs included. None of Aaliyah's hits were included. The only reason At Your Best was included was because it wasn't an original song, but a cover from The Isley Brothers. And for the person who said they skipped over her relationship with Kellz, you must have missed the whole first half of the movie. Realistically, they focused TOO much on her relationship with Kellz. Which goes back to what I said in the beginning, since the family objected to the movie, Wendy and Lifetime should have canned it. Kinda hard to do a biopic if you can't include NONE of the artists songs.
