Whitewashing history

Does this movie show his opposition to the 1957 Civil Rights bill where he, as leader of the Senate, fought it tooth and nail. Or does it address the reason for the change? Was it pragmatism and a chance for his party to get credit for it? I never rely on Hollywood for accurate history.



Hey remember when Obama gave the Eulogy at the funeral of the famous Ex-Grand Wizard, former US Senator (WV) and Dixiecrat, Robert. J. Byrd?

of course you dont, the hypocrisy of the liberal left is literally mind blowing.

Seeing Obama, Americas first black President, give the Eulogy for an ex-KKK member who actively voted against their being the opportunities, which he has taken advantage of, is all you need to say about the dirtyness & hypocrisy of Politics


Pretty crazy. LBJ was a known racist and used the n-word liberally as can be heard on recordings even well after "his" CRA passed. He was against all anti-lynching laws and civil rights legislation up until his "change of heart". yeah right. HIs policies totally wrecked black culture as we see today with 72% illegitimacy rate and the inner city "plantations", exactly as planned. Not too mention there is a lot of suspicion that he was involved in the JFK assassination. I personally think he was.

Oh yeah let's talk about how all the Jim Crow Dixiecrats switched to the Republican party. Bullsh i t Myth. Only one that switched to the Republicans was Strom Thurmond. All the other Jim Crow Dems stayed in the party til they died. Fact. Look it up. So why did blacks start voting Democrat when all the politicians that oppressed them were still in the party? LBJ saw to that by coaxing them with free stuff and the welfare baby mama state.

Robert Byrd? KKK leader/recruiter and voted against the CRA in the 60's. Hillary's mentor and she eulogized his death in 2010. Used the n-word as late as 2002. Hillary called young blacks super-predators and her husband passed strict 3 strike sentencing laws that shot black incarceration through the roof. Fact. Democrats only want the black vote and will say anything and practice identity politics to put down opposition like we are seeing in this election, but we need to look at what they actually do. So you liberals keep thinking you are righteous and keep virtue signaling.

Oh yeah, let's talk about Margeret Sanger's eugenics program called Planned Parenthood. Many racist quotes of her basically admitting it was designed to keep blacks and other undesirables from breeding. Of course, Democrats still love and defend Planned Parenthood to this day. Ever wander why Planned Parenthoods seem to be mostly in "bad" neighborhoods. That is by design.

That the Union let the Democratic party continue to exist after the Civil War is like the Allies letting the Nazi party continue to exist after WWII.


You brag "whitewashing" about a movie you didn't see ?

Wow. That's tells a lot about ypur opinions and prejudices....


Hey everybody...lets focus on how LBJ made things great for blacks in America...what is this...a *beep* comedy...

Deputy Davo's Pig Squeezing Country and Western Comedy Show.


