MovieChat Forums > My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 (2016) Discussion > Do people even remember the original?

Do people even remember the original?

I know it was a huge hit back in 2002 but no one really quotes it anymore and, if someone were to ask who was in the movie, I'm sure most people would be rushing to their phones to answer that question.

It just doesn't seem like it has any staying power, so what's really the point of making a sequel 14 years later?


I love the first film and so does my husband, and even our son, who is 18 and has grown up seeing us watching it and laughing and he likes it too. :D But then again, we are Greek Orthodox as well. :D Can't wait to see the sequel.


My husband and I both love it. We own a DVD copy and watch it often.

"The end of the shoelace is called the...IT DOESN'T MATTER!"


I rememeber it. I am also Greek.

Amanda Bynes is hot and Lindsay Lohan is not.
Profile pic: Courtney Thorne-Smith.


It remains one of my favorite movies of all time, so yea, I remember it and so do my family.

"You find a glimmer of happiness in this world, there's always someone who wants to destroy it." JD


i just saw a commercial on tv for this movie. never thought it would get a sequel. i remember the original movie although i didn't care for it.


The first one had legs...the enthusiasm for it mushroomed.

Even those who may have been too young to remember the first one will probably see it again before they do the sequel. And, I am guessing that the sequel will probably have the same will have staying power. It is not by any means a great film, but, it's a "comfortable" film, and people can relate to in-your-face family members.


Well i remember it and it was quite funny and I enjoy watching it even though some things are extravagant and stereotypical !!! I'm Greek and I know that most of the families are not like that nowadays !


I'm not Greek, but the original is one of my favorite movies.

I love the mom's line about the man being the head of the family, but the woman is the neck. And we quote the father all the time about the windex.


OP, not everyone is 20 years old and brain dead and has to turn to their phones to look up a movie.

Here's a shocker, I remember "Muriel's Wedding" from more than 20 years ago, can still remember where I saw it in Encino, CA on a Saturday matineee. Geez I must be a genious.....LOL.


Genius? Hardly. More like a fuzz fetching skin puppet.



A good movie is a good movie. Remembering trivia is irrelevant. As is you're opinion.
