MovieChat Forums > Kong: Skull Island (2017) Discussion > after credit scene is nonsensical (major...

after credit scene is nonsensical (major spoiler)

In the end our heroes "escape" the island with Kong left standing over-watch, and on the horizon we see a handful of helicopters approaching. They are either on a rescue mission or on an attack mission. Zooming in on Kong and the reflecting choppers in his eyes, and it is clear what he thinks.... role credits...

End credit scene..... Loki and girlfriend sit in an integration room denying there even is an island. Que?? What??

It is not like they were the only survivors and clearly the island was well documented, and clearly the damn movie is ending with a handful of choppers seeing the island and not least Kong. A secret he and his home surely is not. So why think you have to protect it by lying like this...

Made no sense to me. Or rather made me give up hope on seeing a sequel if the movie makers already have so little attention to their own project.


hmmmm..... perhaps the idea is that Kong destroyed those approaching choppers again, and so really our 5-7 friends are still the only witnesses... in such a case it sort of makes more sense, I guess. Silly but not necessarily nonsensical. I digress.
