MovieChat Forums > Power Rangers (2017) Discussion > Nerd rage is unbelievable

Nerd rage is unbelievable

I said this on the board for Spider-Man: Homecoming but I can't believe how outraged and entitled nerds get about things like this. I've been a fan since the originals in 1993 when I was three years old and I'm very excited about this. It has the spirit there and it brings it into a modern, realistic setting. It looks like it is hitting that right balance of light hearted and dark and serious. I don't know what people were expecting? People in suits? Spandex? Things like this rarely live up to your expectations or what is built up in your head. That's hard to achieve.

For what it is, I like almost all of what I've seen. The megazord design is odd but considering it is alien technology it makes sense to me. I don't like that they cut out all the individual weapons or the power blaster. Alpha's design is something I'm iffy on and I dont like Goldar's design. Apart from that, I love the look of the rangers and Zordon. This looks like it will be fun and will respect the original series instead of *beep* on it like the Transformers movies have.

It seems like the geek/nerd community just complains about everything. Especially when it doesn't go their way or when something is changed.

I understand how passionate people are about characters like this, but there comes a time when you should just accept things and move on. A line exists between criticism and just whining and it gets crossed more times than it should. There's no point in getting worked up about something like a movie. The world has bigger problems than things like "the designs are weird" or "it doesn't look like the original series."

It happens with every movie like this, and I know I'm ranting, but every comic book movie or adaptation of material has groups of people acting like someone "ruined" their favorite character for some reason or another. Grow up! It never will be what is in your head and just because it is how you would do something isn't how it will end up done.

EDIT: I'd also, now that I think about, like to add that you can enjoy Power Rangers and Super Sentai at the same time. They don't have to be exclusive. For all the Sentai purists, not every Sentai season is great and I can't stand when you so called fans put PR down to build it up. You can say it's superior, that's your opinion. You can also say that you love both or think PR is better. That is fine too. But to put someone down or just complain because one is different from the one cares.

"There are no two words deadlier in the English language than 'good job'."-Whiplash


I am looking forward to this movie.


seriously man i don't get the hate this movie is already getting. i mean how can you hate awesome designs and epic action scenes and breathtaking upgrade from tv budget shows. the rangers look jaw dropping awesome and yes i a already obsessed with it. seen the trailer already 10 times.


Okay, then why the hell are you here?! Go over to the Pacific Rim 2 board and talk about that movie.

"There are no two words deadlier in the English language than 'good job'."-Whiplash


Because he's a troll and can't live with himself unless he sh!ts on someone else's parade. Basically, cut him off from the Internet and he'll hang himself within 2 hours.

Punching Trolls in the face like Buzz Aldrin!


I'm a troll? I was a member of the highest movie critic society in New York City while you were still wetting your bed. Don't talk if you don't know anything, junior.

Wendy? Darling? Light, of my life!


I was a member of the highest movie critic society in New York City

Yes, and I'm the 458th President of Earth, traveling back in time for a good spot of fun.

Also, if that bold lie is true, there's probably a reason for the "was" right? Maybe your sh!t taste?

Punching Trolls in the face like Buzz Aldrin!



-On October 3rd He asked me what day it was "What day is it?" "It's October 3rd"-


I was a member of the highest movie critic society in New York City

yeah, we couldn't care less. Your society means Jack sh it around here and Jack left town...

-Dr. K


Because I get paid to be here.

Wendy? Darling? Light, of my life!


On the message boards? Fair enough, and you're welcome to state your opinions but please don't troll.

"There are no two words deadlier in the English language than 'good job'."-Whiplash


Not liking something and voicing that opinion isn't being a troll. a troll is a person who comes and instigates fights by way of insulting someone directly or a group of people just to get a rise from said person(s). I deal with one occasionally here on these boards. He will eventually respond to something I say with direct insults as usual to prove my point and you will see what a troll really is.

This movie could potentially be good if dealt correctly but its marketing strategy is weak and could potentially hurt it in the end. Let alone the outcry of fans who aren't liking some of the reveals of this movie and its first trailer let down.

And before you ask, the only reason I am on this board is because I was a fan of the originals and I am hoping for the second trailer to be linked on these boards to debunk all my worries of this movie and give me a reason to watch this movie and drag my friends with me IF the 2nd trailer is even good.

-On October 3rd He asked me what day it was "What day is it?" "It's October 3rd"-


Ummm so did you not like the second trailer? Because it's been out all day..

Also you don't have to insult people to troll. Going on a board and saying this movie is *beep* I didn't like the original, I'm in no way interested in this and I know whats best, even above the fans is intentionally getting a rouse out of the fans that want to discuss this movie. At the end of the day calling a movie you haven't seen yet anything is nonsense, because you don't actually know anything without watching it.

I throw de cards. De cards go boom! End of bad guy. End of story.


I've never said anything about this movie until I saw the first trailer. You can have an opinion about a movie trailer after seeing it. The first trailer looked horrible. The second did way better with setting up the mood of the movie but they HAD to bring in Kanye and ruin it.

This is a discussion board not a fan thread. If you don't want to have a mature discussion on a movie and are looking for people to pander to your childhood nostalgia they have actual fan threads if you google hard enough for them. Then you have real trolls who say their opinion accompanied by insults like "this movie will suck and everyone who watches it is stupid" or the reverse "this movie will break box office records and anyone who disagrees has the attention span of a sloth and gets bum bumped by their fathers at night"

On another note how did you like Ghostbusters or Fant4stic? Did you watch them or judge them before giving them a chance based on the trailer? Be careful your response might debunk your argument.

-On October 3rd He asked me what day it was "What day is it?" "It's October 3rd"-


On another note how did you like Ghostbusters or Fant4stic? Did you watch them or judge them before giving them a chance based on the trailer? Be careful your response might debunk your argument.

To be honest, yes and no. I gave Fant4stic a chance despite reviews. And I didn't see Ghostbusters not because the trailers looked like sh!t, but because the politics behind it pissed me off.

So speaking for me and me alone, I'll usually end up giving a film a chance eventually despite negative press or bad trailers.


Yes people are hyperbolic in both directions. I never said YOU said anything about the movie, I was talking about the ones that do. I don't need anyone to pander to me. I have friends that are into power rangers that I can discuss this with in a completely positive way. But again you don't have to insult someone in order to troll, you just have to say something that you know will piss someone off and then stick to your guns whether proven wrong or not.

I didn't like Ghostbusters,but I also didn't care one way or another when I seen the trailer. The movie just didn't entertain me when I watched it. I haven't seen the fantastic four movie yet. I hated the first two movies and didn't hear anything good from my friends that went and seen it at the movies. And I LOVED the fantastic 4 cartoons as child. Just because I'm a fan of something doesn't mean I'll just reserve all of my criticism if I don't like something.

I throw de cards. De cards go boom! End of bad guy. End of story.


You're a retard advocating for the emoji movie, begging imdb users to watch that turd, your taste in movies is as crap as your mother's taste in men.





TRUTH. Bitching about everything is the fanboy way of life.


This is so on point.

There are people still comparing it to Fant4stic! Like the new trailer doesn't make it obvious it will at least have action and all the elements of the source material.


It will be like Fant4stic in the sense it will be buildup for most of the runtime and end with a terrible fight scene. And that the characters seem moody and not very unlikeable.


the characters seem moody and not very unlikeable

So they seem likeable? 😉

It's hard to gauge from essentially three minutes of footage how they will play but they look likeable enough to me. Let's wait until the finished movie to see.

"There are no two words deadlier in the English language than 'good job'."-Whiplash


Yeah they seem like they were getting along, working together, cracking jokes. Most teenagers have attitude problems, so it's not unlikely that kids that are effing up in life, also have bad attitudes. Plus you know, Zordon did specifically ask for that in the show. Again, people haven't watched the movie, but swear they know how it's going to be, even though things in the trailer contradict those opinions.

I throw de cards. De cards go boom! End of bad guy. End of story.


It's only three minutes of footage, but some trailers so spell out how the characters will behave and gives viewers a 'first impression' of them. I honestly found them all obnoxious , and giving off a Breakfast Club vibe...which I don't find appropriate for MMPR. Maybe if the dialogue were better written, I'd be more receptive to it.


Seriously, WHEN has a teenager ever been not obnoxious, a REAL teenager? Teenagers are fcking walking, talking vats of obnoxiousness.

Punching Trolls in the face like Buzz Aldrin!


Well, this isn't reality, for one thing. Another is that some teenagers, believe it or not, aren't spunky or abrasive. In any case, you can also make teenager characters likable in spite of such traits. As far as I've seen in the trailers, which can be different from the final product, the characters seem unlikable and their dialogue isn't very good. They just come off as caricatures as seen in the likes of Fant4stic and Into the Storm.


As far as I've seen in the trailers, which can be different from the final product, the characters seem unlikable and their dialogue isn't very good.

Have you SEEN even a single episode of the original show? The teens in that show are about as one-dimensional and squeaky clean as anything that's ever existed. The dialogue and characterizations we glean from this trailer is Shakespeare compared to the show.

And I love how you ramble on about how obnoxious the kids look, yet there really isn't anything in the trailer that can be classified as obnoxious. You seem like the person that simply hates on youth in movies, no matter what.

Unless you want early 90s Public Service Announcements for characters, I'd suggest maybe not being so ridiculously judgmental.


I love how you're basically accusing me of being some enraged nerd when all I did was give my impression of the trailer. Pretty hypocritical, if you ask me.


Just like Blue in your avatar, you're one gigantic idiot with his own head shoved so far up his own ass I'm amazed you haven't created a singularity...

Punching Trolls in the face like Buzz Aldrin!


So basically unless you love every aspect of every movie and are never critical of anything, you're a gigantic idiot? I still don't get why you're trying to make me out as having nerd rage, but I guess you get your rocks off on getting offended. 


You're just a fcking idiot dude, just shut up and piss off to some other board to moan and bitch about things that aren't even there.

Punching Trolls in the face like Buzz Aldrin!




So basically unless you love every aspect of every movie and are never critical of anything, you're a gigantic idiot? I still don't get why you're trying to make me out as having nerd rage, but I guess you get your rocks off on getting offended.

It's not that you dislike what you're seeing from the trailer, at least not for me. It's your utterly hyperbolic criticisms that are incongruous with the actual footage.


You say what I mean, man.

Punching Trolls in the face like Buzz Aldrin!


It will be like Fant4stic in the sense it will be buildup for most of the runtime and end with a terrible fight scene. And that the characters seem moody and not very unlikeable.

If The Wrap is to be believed, it certainly won't be(if the movie is to be split into 4 parts): 1/4th action from prologue with Zordon/Rita, 2/4th High School Drama/Chronicle, 1/4th Power Ranger action all shoved in+ending.

It might be more like roughly:

1/8th action from prologue with Zordon/Rita, 1/8th High School Life+Discovering Coins, 1/8th Finding Zordon+training, 1/8 Fighting Rita and failing first time, 1/8th Morphing and fighting Putties+Goldar creation, 1/8th Zord action, 1/8th Megazord vs Goldar, 1/8th ending.

Trolling PRAreDumber Until IMDB Dies


What really irks me about fanboy entitlement is their completely absent ability to put the thing they love so much into the proper context.

I'm not a mega fan of Power Rangers, but I've always had a fondness for it and watch various series here and there for light, goofy fun. I like it because it's a mash-up of almost everything a little kid likes. It's superheroes, monsters, robots, martial arts...all in one weirdo package. What it's never been, is particularly smart.

When it comes to the original MMPR, it's nearly unwatchable in any kind of serious context. While I applaud the producers abilities to write stories around the Sentai footage, the execution leaves a lot to be desired. It looks exactly like what it is. Two disparate sources smashed into one Frankenstein's monster of a show. The dialogue is beyond asinine, The Rangers are all Mary Sues and Gary Stu's, the plotting is as redundant and repetitive and illogical as anything I've ever seen and the humor is the most basic and typical kind of dated and cheap slapstick and lame puns or one-liners.

But I can still enjoy it because it doesn't overstay it's welcome and the action is well produced. And I enjoy how ultra-good and wholesome the Rangers are. The PSA-style messages and themes are silly and obvious, but refreshing in hindsight. I enjoy MMPR with an odd mix of genuine admiration (for the aforementioned mash-up of genre's) and irony.

When the show tries to build mythology and's strained at best...utterly nonsensical at worst. For me, the franchise is at it's best when it's doing it's own thing. Seasons like In Space, Time Force and RPM manage to execute decent stories and world building with relatively fleshed out characters. But they all still suffer to some degree from the flaws of the series. Repetitive stories, cringey humor and dialogue and bad acting.

I get that when you love something your whole life, you feel like it has to be certain way. But come on, this is f--king Power Rangers. Get some perspective. It's a goofy, over-the-top, cheesy, and at times incredibly poorly executed kids show edited together with footage from Japanese kids shows. Take your fanboy rage down a notch will you?

Oh no, Goldar looks different!!!!??? He's not a blue-faced ape guy with gold wings!?!?! BLASPHEMY! The Zords aren't just rainbow colored toys now!!?!?!? RUINING MY CHILDHOOD!

Please, you people act as if the franchise has had this stalwart creative integrity or something. If you think that's the case, you need a reality check. It's a franchise. A franchise that has thrived on re-inventing itself to stay alive. It's like any other long-lasting superhero property in that regard.

I personally don't like the look of Goldar myself. But that's not stopping me from being excited a new, big budget, live action PR movie is coming out. If I wanted the original show exactly, I'd just stay and watch it and not give this movie a chance.

So please, raging fanboys, grow the f--k up.


Everything you said! Exactly. My thoughts exactly. You articulated my brain.


I have never been a fan of power rangers. Never hated them, never loved them. And I'm not one of those people who will say "WONDER WOMAN WILL BE GREAT BC ITS DC". I don't have company biases like that. And I don't want movies to be bad. I want them all to be good. But this (from what we've seen) looks god AWFUL. I don't care if the show was cheesy or whatever that is no excuse for this movie. They're making a movie that should try to be good, not one with bad dialogue "cause the show had it". Again, I hope it's good but from what we've seen it looks god awful.


I have never been a fan of power rangers. Never hated them, never loved them. And I'm not one of those people who will say "WONDER WOMAN WILL BE GREAT BC ITS DC". I don't have company biases like that. And I don't want movies to be bad. I want them all to be good. But this (from what we've seen) looks god AWFUL. I don't care if the show was cheesy or whatever that is no excuse for this movie. They're making a movie that should try to be good, not one with bad dialogue "cause the show had it". Again, I hope it's good but from what we've seen it looks god awful.

There is literally nothing in this trailer that is any worse than what comes out year to year. So your hyperbolic statements ring false. Thinking it looks bad is one thing, thinking it looks like the travesty you're already sure it is is just stupid.


Well said.

Whatever you are, be a good one.


It's not nerd rage..well some of it is.

The main gripe is it's trying so hard to appeal to a certain demographic. It's trying so hard but it's REALLY BAD. Not cheesy, just bad.

And it doesn't have to be this bad. It doesn't have to be Power Rangers as Chronicle. It could be different and unique or it could be a homage. But it's none of the above and that sucks balls for fans who experienced the original Power Rangers.


I have been watching since day one...this trailer is how I remember the show. The show is not how I remembered the show. The show is down right painful. I saw small similarities to chronicle in the teaser...I see none of that now, other than "oh look they can jump"

this looks like power ranagers in 2017 and I am just fine with that.

As far as trying hard...not so much, the trailer looked like they all got along and will have great chemistry together.

-Dr. K


Power rangers was incredibly cheesy. This is not cheesy.

this trailer is how I remember the show
Where are the similarities?

Of course looking back at a show 23 years old, things will be different.

And you see no similarities to Chronicle? A bunch of hot young cool kids have powers? From dialogue to presentation to feel, it's more like Chronicle than the original Power Rangers.


What demographic are they trying to appeal to? I'm a fan since 93, I loved the original, but stopped watching around in Space. I seen this trailer and really want to see this movie. My children knew nothing of the Power Rangers until I heard about this movie and they really want to see it. And my wife, who HATED everything about the show, has finally agreed to watch this, because the trailer was appealing to her. So it seems it has more then one demo in mind.

I throw de cards. De cards go boom! End of bad guy. End of story.


Hey, that's fine it appealed to you.. but this movie looks like every Chronicle-like movie that has come out in recent years.

It's more important that things look "cool", more important that the kids are hot, more important that there are fancy effects than story, dialogue, plot, etc.


So clearly you're avoiding my question. Not all of the Rangers are attractive, at least not to me. And I also mentioned other people that are interested, some of which weren't before viewing the new trailer.

Also none of us no the story or plot and got very little dialog, so you're voicing an opinion, but have no real knowledge.

I throw de cards. De cards go boom! End of bad guy. End of story.
