no Scott Speedman?

Michael isn't Michael without him playing the character..what's up with this? It's quite irritating and really irritating that no one has even noticed it..............who in the hell is Trent Garrett? He better not trash the character.


I'm completely disappointed they haven't had his character come back. Been waiting for it. The first two Underworld movies were perfect IMO then the rest not so much.


It was kind of strange.

The first movie was ALL ABOUT his character's potential to bridge the gap between the two species.

He was still important in the second movie...but not as much.

And then in the recent one, he wasn't in it at all.

Yeah, like everyone else said, they had potential with his character, but went nowhere with it.

Well, I've got news for you pal, you ain't leadin' but two things: Jack and sh*t and Jack left town


some say that the reason Michael failed was because the writer/director of these films, Len Wiseman wanted his wife(Beckinsale) to be the centre of the story..remember in the first one, the story was drifting towards Michael's character...but in the 2nd one they brought it back to Selene..with micheal who was a MAIN character in the first 20 mins became 'sideshow bob' the rest of the movie..

he was not needed in part 3 so His wife's ex was the centrestage ..and beckinsale's only job was the voice over in the beginning..

Life is a joke, but atleast its a good one.


Just saw the trailer and am immensely disappointed. Unlike most in this thread, I enjoyed the early story, and the two leads, both as characters and a couple. Speedman wasn't in the last film simply because they didn't ask him. It was thought that they could save money by using a lookalike, because Michael's part for that film was extremely brief. It was written that way, and with Speedman working a series at the time, the "answer" (a double) seemed ideal. It was always intended that he would be brought back for the next film, where the story would shift back to both leads, along with their daughter.

And now I see this trailer, with no explanation as to why the planned story was scrapped, and am utterly baffled, and not a little annoyed.

I will admit, though, that I was never a fan of the revised setting, with humanity having discovered them and trying to wipe them all out. Reminded me of Resident Evil 3 (film), where we'd been left with an intriguing cliffhanger at the end of #2, but suddenly that's gone and the world has become a post-apocalyptic wasteland.


I am 100% with you. You hit the nail on the head. I'm incredibly disappointed in the trailer, and I have been a long time fan of the series. I absolutely loved the first one, the second one was alright...but then the fourth? It was almost random how they chose to completely change course and screw up the storycline. I wanted Scott Speedman and his character back, so badly.

Also in an interview/fan question/answer session, someone asked if she had a "new love interest." She said "sort of, but there really is only one Scott Speedman." I'm assuming she is regarding the stand in that is simply credited as "hybrid Michael."

I don't know.. :c


according to the dvd commentaries for the first one both editions it is said that michael was the original protagonist but then selene. and then another commentary implied michael was supposed to prove himself but by then kate was with the director.


At this point personally i would take Michael being recast... but the character need to come back. Even tough there is a character list as "Hybrid Michael" , i feel his part will be super small after seeing the trailer... That kinda sucks.

Been a huge fan of the franchise since a long time, but i am nervous for this rollercoster of a movie production...

1 was a great, one of my favourite movie of all time
2 was a nice action movie, too fast paced a bit and lacking storywise but still enjoyable.
3 was ... strange, but fun anyway.
4 was not a bad action movie, and i was glad to see Selene back, but the daughter plot, human hunting the vamps/lycans, 12 years later setting, all of this was weird...

More or less to me the franchise have been declining over the years... so my hopes are not that high for this one...

Alice is the worst character of all time, she need to die in the last movie. Chris/Jill are RE !!!


Well, the whole series was supposed to be about Scott's character and him being half werewolf and half vampire which was supposed to be stronger than either, but Kate hijacked the movie and made it all about her. I, personally, won't pay to see another of these movies. I loved the first one, but the rest are all trash.

You can even see in the trailer it looks like she is half vampire and half werewolf later in the movie.


Didn't he die in the last one?

The only time Democrats won't use children as a prop is at a Pro-Choice Rally. -Greg Gutfield


No Scott Speedman, then it's not getting my money! This series started going down the tubes since the last one!


Thanks everyone for the Replies. It's just weird to me is all. They need to explain their storyline. They concentrate too much on the action. Which i'm not saying there should be no action. I'm saying they need to stick with the storyline or explain why it changed but I guess after the houses fell, it's anything goes.


That would be interesting though.
