no Scott Speedman?

Michael isn't Michael without him playing the character..what's up with this? It's quite irritating and really irritating that no one has even noticed it..............who in the hell is Trent Garrett? He better not trash the character.


my guess is that Michael will molt into permanent hybrd and not change back for whatever reason?


Anyone who why Speedman is not coming back?


They never officially said why Speedman wasn't back. But my guess is that he didn't come back for the 4th one because he was shooting a military series at the time. Bad for him as it didn't have the expected success. But I don't know for the 5th one.

Regarding Trent Garett, I think he only plays Michael for a brief sequence, like in Underworld 4. Maybe we will see him towards the beginning or the end, helping Selene and telling her he will escape with their daughter while she will face the ennemy.
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I remember reading somewhere once that he wasn't even asked to be in the 4th movie. I read this back when that movie came out. He was apparently surprised that they used his likeness though I don't know if he was upset by it. That may be why he isn't back for this one.


Ugh. If they're gunna eff up Selene and Michaels (and Eve) storyline then they shouldn't bother with this. What a waste of time and money.


i hate to say it, but they messed up the story line long ago in some many ways that it is a thread in and of itself lol


Yeah its not like he has any other high profile franchises under his belt.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


I have barely heard anything from him since.


It would be ideal of course if the original actor came back to reprise the role, but I want a resolution to Michael's story first and foremost, and I don't care who plays the character anymore.

With U:Evolution, it seemed like he would become the second lead for the franchise, alongside Selene. That's most definitely out the window now, so just end his chapter already. It's a missed opportunity, though. But dangling him in front of the audience for a second, like they did in Awakening, was cruel :D


it's possible they may just do some cheap exposition, have selene show up and state that her daughter and Michael were captured and killed. or if they want to continue this into the next film, just make us think they're dead and say they're alive for number six. those are the two i'm guessing


Who the *beep* cares?

The thing is they're making an action movie. Not a romance crap for girls. I'm sure there will be 5 deluded fangirls who think he's hot to care that he's not coming back but hmmm the vast majority of the audience they're aiming at will be like "who? yay more vampires and werewolves! I hope Kate Beckinsale wears tight leather again"

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


Why do people who want a story finished that started in the first movie get the label of 'fangirls'? No one here said anything about Scott or his looks.

Btw thanks for the laugh. You accuse people of only wanting him back because they find him hot, which no one said, and all you care about is Kate in leather. Who is the real 'fangirl' here?


BURN!!! Hahahahaha!!!


1. I think he fully realized the humor in his comment and said that on purpose.

2. What story? Who are these people who care one bit about Michael? Heck, Underworld Series to me was one of the biggest let downs ever, it had it's moments, which is why I kept watching, but Michael was not one of them and if they had just quit mentioning him altogether that would have been fine by me.


2.... well after she gets the ability to go in daylight...and at the end of the movie her and Michael were supposed to be "the new leaders in the war"....or something like that....and then ....nothing. there was no closure in that, instead we get a 12 yr time jump...and they have a kid? that's just BS! that's when the series really started sucking. literally!



Guess you're missing my point, I never cared about Michael or their story, neither did most people.

It was dumb from the beginning and dropping it outright would have been just fine, they shouldn't have mentioned him at all.

The series was never great to begin with, only OK, and after part 2 it just turned into another "crank um out for a quick buck" deal.


it definitely had more potential than it lived up to and sadly i think i t hit the point of no return long ago.


umm dude! It's about the story line and the damn actors. It's not fangirl *beep* I am not a typical female so kiss my ass ok?

If they use an actor from previous movies in a movie series, they need to keep the same actors and *beep* wait until they are done doing other movies to make it with them in it. I can see if they don't have him change back to human form and that was the original story line. I understand they have deadlines but the actors need to keep their commitments to movie franchises. If they start it, they need to finish it unless they die.


That character was stupid to begin with. I can't blame Mr Speedman as I did like him in "The Strangers" so it must have been the writing.

Wish they would just drop that character outright, it was a dumb idea and that hybrid thing looked like crap, but then so did the "Cat-like" 2nd Gen Werewolves.


i liked the idea but the execution of it was just dumb, and were cats also lol


I liked the idea of a Vampire/Werewolf war, can honestly say the notion of a hybrid just doesn't appeal to me, they are both classic monsters, cool enough on their own.


they are cool, i just think the hybrid had the potential to be new badass type of monster if they had not turned him to such a smurf lol


If Scott Speedman wasn't interested or free to reprise his role and they were dead set on recasting, they should have gotten Robert Buckley. Half the audience wouldn't have realized they'd changed actors.
