MovieChat Forums > Underworld: Blood Wars (2017) Discussion > Good Plot but dissapointed by the lack o...

Good Plot but dissapointed by the lack of talent diversity.

I just saw the latest Underworld, the plot was the best in my opinion since part 2. I did not see one black actor during the entire 90 minute film duration. Very frustrating to see fictional stories which has a cast of actors that look all the same. I have always felt that Underworld casting lacked diversity. No black, asian, or hispanic vampires or lycans in 2017. Only a few a death dealers in the ealier versions. British producers & directors need to bring more diversity in their movies and shows.


A little picky.

I didn't see it as an issue. But if you look closely at Awakening, you'd see Asian faces.

Effective trolling is art.


Well i do see it as a problem, should not have to "look close" to notice diversity. Don't troll for messages to only disagree with.


I think this may not be the right movie for you lol


I think this might not be the right user review for


The head Lycan Raze in the first film was black, as was Selene's death dealer partner, and Michael was blue, so....


That is exactly what i stated. I have seen all 5 Underworld movies, which is why I am able to make a solid statement. No need to send me a link for fact checking..


The cast was much more diverse, and interesting in the first 3 films.

(Lycans* *cough*)


The other ones were not "much more" diverse, but they contained more diversity than the latest one. Get that cough checked out before it gets worse..


You're welcome.


Goth movies I fear will always be a white people parade. Which is silly, cause the goth scene is filled with every sort of people there is.

"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"


Well said. I totally agree.


Blah blah blah. Quota not met.

Make your own film then.

I saw Train to Busan this weekend gave it a 9. Not one white actor in it.


Blah Blah Blah, my beliefs or statements are not influenced by you. I say & do what I please Mr. Dirty South...


Don't be obtuse. Train to Busan is a KOREAN movie. Korea is nowhere near as racially diverse as the US is. America is 40% non-white! How is including non-white people in a movie an attempt to meet a quota?

The fact that some white people get annoyed when people push for diversity when living in a country that is KNOWN and built on racial diversity is probably the clearest sign of an agenda...on the part of white people.


Dear God...
There's bigger things to worry about than not enough black actors in a mediocre vampire movie.
Maybe try to get Chicago to work harder at reducing their murder rate or something very urgent


Wow, why take it there? But if you want to get into that subject. They are both symptoms of the same disease.


Take it there?? Buddy we all live there, some of us obviously would like to pretend that we don't.


Well that's why we have movie like this, as a way to escape all of that for a short period of time. Yet here we have you, dredging up social issues and stuff. Can we just talk about Vampires and Lycans? That's all we're here to do. Not talk about politics, or racism, or world hunger...we're here to talk about a fictional world where vampires and Lycans exist.


I will continue to state whatever i feel like, this is my post, if you do not like what i have to state about this movie then it is very simple... Get out of my post. I do not state my opinion to conform to your beliefs. You have no say here buddy.. Get lost.. The movie lacked diversity, don't like it. LEAVE !!


I'm saying that no one cares here. You're the only one to bring that up. We're here to see Selene kick ass and for vampires and lycans.


Buddy, i dont care what you saying. I saw her kick ass and enjoyed the storyline just do not appreciate the lack of diversity. I stand with pride that i have the courage to say things that need to be said. This latest version needed way more diversity plain & simple. I stand true on my words & beliefs. I do not care how uncomfortable it makes you or anyone else that reads it. You understand ??


No. One. Cares.


You are one lonely soul. You do not define everyone. And believe me, many do care, just maybe not anyone that you know. Many people care, everyday folks and celebrities. Stop trolling and get a life!


You are one lonely soul. You do not define everyone.

Apply to yourself and your close-minded refusal to listen to anyone else's OPINION but your own, And yes, yours is just one OPINION, hardly fact.


Possibly, but MY OPINION is the only one that matters on MY POST...


That's not entirely true. You posted your thoughts on an open message board which automatically opens the discussion up for other opinions.

But I will say this, diversity is ultra important. Going to school in a diverse area and being employed in a diverse working environment can only lead to life lessons and open your mind up to so many different viewpoints.


I care about diversity, very much so. But I'm not going to go on IMDB board of a film about vampires and werewolves. How about the film featuring a white actor playing Michael Jackson, why aren't you set up on your soapbox there?


The problem with this attitude is that most people will claim to care about diversity because that's the PC thing to say. However, very few people -- especially white ones or people who don't benefit from diversity -- will actively seek out spaces to discuss or even address it. Your saying that you just want to talk about vampires and lycans is is a bit of a diversionary tactic -- the truth is, most people will NEVER want to talk about diversity if they can help it. So yes, it does have to be brought into the conversation even if that conversation is initially about vampires and lycans.

Denial is not just a river in Africa.


Thankfully I can worry about more than one thing at a time, you should try it.. I will continue to state the obvious poopiter..


Yeah I can worry about multiple things at one time. I don't live in Chicago, I hope you are doing your part to make the world better as well.


"I did not see one black actor during the entire 90 minute film duration"

Were there any Chinese characters? Mexican? Indian? Muslim? Were there any

Please stop with the racist crap already. You're pushing your racist agenda onto the world.

P.s. Recently watched Luke Cage and, frankly, I wouldn't even bat an eyelid if there were no 'white' actors. I also watch a few oriental martial arts film and there's next to zero 'white' guys. Again, not bothered.

Not everything needs to be 'pc' or diverse.


Silly boy, lets keep apples to apples. Racism is alive & well,created by whites,maintained and creatively ignored by whites.Luke Cage... really ?? Martial Arts really??


Martavious Gayles. I bet that there's a load of other colours, creeds and ethnicities in the film.

All YOU are seeing is colour. Shame on you.
