MovieChat Forums > By the Sea (2015) Discussion > How Jolie Sees Herself

How Jolie Sees Herself

Watching her in The Tourist and now in this, I think Angelina Jolie sees herself as this untouchable tragic beauty. She seems so pretentious in both movies, I'm finding it hard to watch her in any movie anymore. What does she want? Admiration? Pity?


Wow, you hit the nail on the head. She's like this weird caricature now. I just read that this is her final movie because she's retiring from acting...ugh, give me a break!


Her close ups in this movie are to die for, she still a beautiful woman even tho she could use a cheese burger .


It's interesting to me how people see here as this great beauty. I think so when she was
younger, but then I realized how she has that so ugly she's beautiful, or so beautiful she's
ugly thing going on. Maybe that is something that took her a long time to adjust to as a
kid. Her face is so flat, she always looks like a Pekinese puppy to me ... I just do not care
for it, or rather it is kind of unsettling to me. That is a plus in youth. I think she looked this
part and acted really well. I cannot think of the last movie I saw her in. She is just not in
movies I like generally, and this one was good for me.


It is a good movie, and Jolie IS very good in it. she has very extreme bone structure; it's odd but also beautiful. I like thin women, but I thought she did not look healthy in this film at all. Sometimes it was difficult to look at her. But she is a talented woman. She has directed two films now, that I found to be extremely well-made; this one and "Land of Blood & Honey." I'm sorry to hear she has decided to stop acting. It's all very strange..

Fabio Testi is GOD


She is ugly inside and out


THANK YOU. Sometimes I wonder what it is I find myself not liking about her. I think the first movie I ever saw her in was Girl, interrupted. And she sort of irritated me... not a ton, just a little. I felt like she was over-acting and the way she was in person was that whole "bad girl" persona. It's like she was desperate to be seen a certain way. And now she seems desperate to be seen as this sophisticated, down to earth, I go and adopt babies and help in other countries,but it comes across.... I am more beautiful than anyone, I won the man over Jennifer Aniston I WIN AT LIFE LOOK AT ME kind of thing. Yes, she is pretty. Yes she can act. Is she the most gorgeous woman alive or even in Hollywood? No. Is she the most talented? Not by a long shot. Sometimes people's desperation is palpable and you've hit it on the head! She's too self aware but in a bad, pretentious and stuckup way. Jennifer Aniston (just using her as an easy comparison here, no offense to Jen) she is also self aware. And def has a bit of an ego. But at least it's not pretentious or arrogant or self righteous or even desperate AT ALL. Angelina Jolie needs to get over herself. I think she's trying to be the next Audrey Hepburn of our time or something but she doesn't have the talent, looks or GENUINE inner beauty Audrey seemed to have. So she's not pulling it off.


Name ONE movie star, or musician that ISN'T self centered or completely self-obsessed. Ego? That's all they are, is ego. Jolie is a successful woman in so many ways; it must be difficult to not be vain and stuck up. I'm sure Audrey Hepburn wasn't nearly as perfect in reality as she appeared to be; time has given the old-time stars, like Hepburn, and Marilyn Monroe, and James Dean this 'God-like' quality. But it's all just illusion. It's Hollywood, and nobody is what they appear to be. They are all flawed in some way, and are experts at hiding it.

Fabio Testi is GOD


Lol way to generalize human beings based on a profession. Yes there are LOADS of celebrities with heads so big I am surprised they aren't flying like balloons all the time. But there also happen to be celebrities that are actors, singers, musicians who happen to HATE fame and LOVE what they do. In interviews you can tell they are down to earth. They are modest, awkward sometimes even shy. They talk about the work and that's it. They don't act is if they have any sort of ego, and most actors have to be self aware to be good at what they do but not all are completely self aware in an egotistical way where it's totally obvious. And with actors I do admire for their work and who they seem to be as people, not only in interviews or behind the scenes work do they seem cool as hell, but how they treat fans and what they do in their spare time and how much you DON'T see them in magazines speaks volumes as well. It's ridiculous to say all celebrities are self obsessed with big ego's. Some celebrities have talked about panic attacks from paparazzi or too much press. There are many who try live life as "normal" as possible. Still rich, but not living in mansions in California with a bunch of cars and superficial shi* taking tons of ridiculous vaycays, plunging themselves into the public.

Actually Marilyn Monroe might have this legend reputation these days but she isn't actually looked at like a God. In fact people tell it like it is with her. All those stupid little "Marilyn quotes" everywhere are silly to me---how do we know she said half that shi* ?? In her journals and interviews she seems pretty superficial and not too bright---yet she said all these profound, heavy, inspirational things? I am not 100 percent sure about that. But people will admit she seemed flighty, superficial, was a diva, had mental issues, egotistical, etc etc etc. Not all stars from back then have this immaculate reputation, movies made about them actually tap into the big problems they had. I brought up Audrey Hepburn specifically because with all evidence brought to the table she was a unique, special, kind, talented and beautiful person. Many other gorgeous actresses from that time were not. I don't think Marilyn Monroe was. And Jame Dean doesn't have a perfect reputation or is looked like a god either!! What are you talking about?

It's very close minded to call ALL actors, singers, musicians, "celebrities" ego tripping self obsessed people.




Who knows ... you don't know her, you just know what you think.
I say let the character be the character and the experience is your experience of that character.
If you want to be sidetracked by all that stuff ... it's ok with me, but I think you miss the movie.
Then again, I don't watch her. I can't recall the last thing I saw Jolie in. I think it was Tomb Raider.
Her movie are usually not my style and I don't really like her manufactured image, and especially
her father. There's that weird Billy Bob Thornton thing too. It's a lot of noise. If I had to guess I'd
say personally she wants money and independence, like most of us - but then there is that thing
with her adopted children. I think that is another reason why these types of actresses kind of
creep me out. So, if you are saying her celebrity image interferes with your perception of her
movie characters ... I'd go along with that.


The last movie you saw Jolie in was Tomb Raider? Why are you commenting on this movie then?


The last before this. I don't really care for the movies she is in for the most part.


I don't see the problem with her seeing herself as an "untouchable tragic beauty." It's pretty close to what she is; untouchable? She's a movie star. Tragic? Definitely; she does not look well in this film, and her marriage fell apart and she has decided to not act anymore; tragic AND mysterious. And she is a "beauty" so there is no mystery there. I don't see the problem with someone taking themselves seriously, especially when they have accomplished so much in their life. She seems so sad lately; it's proof that money and beauty and success don't always equal happiness. I wish her well..

Fabio Testi is GOD


So true.She`s besotted with herself and her own beauty.Very off putting.


I'm not a fan of Jolie, but there's one surprisingly good movie she made (IMO): "Changeling (2008)," directed by Clint Eastwood. At least there's that, plus when she was a lot younger, "Girl, Interrupted (1999)," for which she won an Oscar. So it's not all bad on her part.
