"Girl" ? Seriously?

"Girl" means female child. The main character in this film is a woman, not a girl. It's incredibly patronising to use the word "girl" when describing a woman.

Just imagine if the main character was a man. I hardly think the film would have been titled "Boy on the train" - that would have conjured up the image of a male child on a train.

It's surprising that this sort of thing is still considered acceptable in 2016.

My God, it's full of stars!


Triggered much, boy?


I can see why some see it as offensive, and since I am not female, I am not going to judge or claim to have any unique insight. Today, the word 'girl' actually seems to have more than one meaning depending on context, while the word 'boy', when used by itself, does not. The origins of this diversion were likely derogatory - enforcing a past (and false) view of women as child-like, less intelligent and requiring protection. I think it's evolved beyond that and now is not meant in a derogatory way.

Then again, 'boy' is used as a prefix or suffix in terms used to describe boys and adult makes alike - 'bad boy', 'star boy', boyfriend' etc...

How many of us use phrases like 'no can do', or 'long time no see' - initially terms that made fun of broken english of chinese immigrants and native americans. Or other terms with racist origins, like 'gyped', 'uppity', 'sold down the river', 'peanut gallery', 'grandfather clause', etc. Maybe they're not the best analogies - but there is a lot in our language that has evolved to be benign despite their less than innocent origins. Then again, like I said, I am not female and may not have the best perspective..if this use of 'girl' offends anyone, it's legit to bring it up and discuss.


I'm a 30 year old woman and I don't mind being called a girl.


Which is why I’ve always been pissed about the show "Golden Girls.” Whenever I see it listed in the TV Guide I think it’s going to be some show about rich nubiles, but then I remember it’s the one about the dusty old bags.

Your film gods: Lee Van Cleef and Laura Gemser


I'm a woman and I'm not offended over the title.


I’m an Eskimo and I’ve always loved using Nest View on IMDb.

Your film gods: Lee Van Cleef and Laura Gemser



Would you have preferred "Female On the Train?" Since the author's a woman, and you're male, you're the patronizing one with this laughable post. You don't speak for any woman.


Just wait till we have this issue with transgender....oh boy!..or is it girl?

