MovieChat Forums > The Diabolical (2015) Discussion > The Diabolical plot twist explained.......

The Diabolical plot twist explained....SPOILERS....

Ok, here goes.
Remember the scientist boyfriend enters the coordinates they find. They are located 10 miles apart and they are the CamSet labs and the house the family live in. CamSet are trying to buy the houses in the area to set up more labs, hence the pushy guy who keeps trying to buy the house.

Obviously in the future when Project Echo is in action the house has been purchased and there is a Camset lab on the location of the house.
In the future the 2 guys escorting Jacob to the next experiment mention that they are teleporting him 10 miles away to their other lab today.

Now, CamSet are obviously unaware they are sending these guys to the past. As far as the prisoners are concerned they are just showing up at some random house not knowing where they are, totally messed up, until Jacob turns up and recognises where he is.

They have accidently discovered time travel.

When the mother goes back with him they must've realised why they haven't been so successful and fixed her up and sent her back.

This then messes up her brain which in turn angers Jacob and his anger gets the better of him again making him try to burn down the labs, which in turn causes him to be locked up and subjected to all the experiments. Which then leads to him being used in the teleporation experiment, which leads to him time travelling instead. Ain't time travel a bitch!

Let me know what you think.


Makes sense to me. Let me try to add a little more?

I imagine that in the original timeline, the mother and her kids move out without a hitch, because the mom was having monetary issues, the offer from the CamSet guy looked good, and there weren't any crazies teleporting back in time. But once CamSet Labs bought the place and started their experiment, they accidentally sent the test subjects to the past at a point BEFORE the house was sold. Which would explain why in this timeline, Jacob gets angry because of what happens to his mother and tries to burn down the lab ... but how did Jacob end up a test subject in the first place? Well I think it is also plausible that Jacob could have ended up a prisoner regardless of what happened to his mother. The movie kept trying to show that he had a short temper and was prone to violent behavior, just like his father. The cause of his being locked up could have been different with each alternative timeline.

The part that I still can't quite figure out, is why he and his sister couldn't leave the house, but the mother could. The best I've got so far is that Jacob's future self grabbed / touched both his child self and his sister. Future Jacob and his mother didn't touch until the very end. I suppose that once you are touched by someone from the wrong timeline, you begin to cease to exist once you cross the threshold of the portal? Which may explain what was happening to the CamSet guy who was trying to leave the house after getting attacked by future Jacob? What do you think about that?


Nice thoughts. What i took away was the mom teleporting and because she disappeared the son decided to blow the lab up. Kind of a parodox. I definately think it was the touching that stopped them from being able to go outside.


In the movie, the mother was looking at an article regarding a CamSet scientist who could not leave his lab after doing some experiments, something to do with the elements he was using, i think this was the reason they could not leave.
The scientist was working on the Teleportation theory, when the 2 children were touched they became infected.


Good point, I forgot about that article! Did it say what enabled the scientist to be able to leave his lab again? Because I also got the sense that the kids were able to leave the house at the end of the movie, which seemed to only be a few days after they were infected, not anything close to 2 weeks. But I may need watch the movie again.


He was able to leave one he stopped working on the project


Thanks everyone posting here. this cleared up a lot! 👍👌👏


Now, CamSet are obviously unaware they are sending these guys to the past. As far as the prisoners are concerned they are just showing up at some random house not knowing where they are, totally messed up, until Jacob turns up and recognises where he is.

They have accidently discovered time travel.

When the mother goes back with him they must've realised why they haven't been so successful and fixed her up and sent her back.

This then messes up her brain which in turn angers Jacob and his anger gets the better of him again making him try to burn down the labs, which in turn causes him to be locked up and subjected to all the experiments. Which then leads to him being used in the teleporation experiment, which leads to him time travelling instead. Ain't time travel a bitch!

Let me know what you think.

I agree that CamSet is working on teleportation, and the scientists don't know about the time travel because the human guinea pigs they use get so messed up they can't tell anyone. so when Madison (mom)returns with future-Jacob, she can tell them and end the cycle. but since she goes back all fixed up, I don't think Jacob has reason to bomb CamSet for revenge, it's the start of a new timeline cycle - like when future-Jacob cuts boy-Jacob's cheek, the cut then appears on future-Jacob's cheek.

I really, really wish this movie had spent more time after the "twist." like, first half on the ghostly dudes, second half on the time travel. it felt ridiculously rushed!


Well, there were pretty strong hints in the DVD commentary about a sequel(s,) so you may get to see what you wanted to.

I thought running into your former self while time-traveling was supposed to create some sort of cataclysmic paradox - ?


That offers up great explanations, but what I am still confused by is why there were three versions of the entity or whatever you want to call it. The one in the washer/dryer whatever did seem to resemble the fake realtor guy in the way he crawled (which someone mentioned somewhere on the board) but if it was him why did he teleport/time travel, or was it just because he was touched? Or maybe it was all Jacob in various times he teleported back. I did notice though until the end he wasn't really hurting anyone they started attacking him.

Also I don't understand why Jacob would try to blow up the place as his mother did come back (not sure what you mean by her brain was messed up), unless it was dealing with multiple alternate timelines. Also I wonder did Jacob not recognize it was his future self or just couldn't control his anger to understand that by getting revenge was what caused it to happen.

Also I do appreciate that that movie makes you think; I'm just curious how many people will make it far enough into the film for the twist. The script was ambitious, but in my opinion never quite made it there, because it didn't get interesting until at least 2/3 into the film. I didn't find any of it scary or even have "jump scares," though maybe some people did. I don't know I tend to get scared at films easy but not here.


I know what you mean about the script, it was close, but ultimately fell short of its ambitions. I still appreciated it though, was a nice change.

The other versions that turned up at the house i think were other prisoners that were being experimented on, they didn't perfect it until it was Jacobs turn.

The whole plot about Jacob blowing up the lab could be taken many ways, i just feel that the timeline was changed so it became one of those 'chicken or the egg' time travel paradoxes.


Ending is open ended it feels. But it could be alternate timelines interact with the past and and pass the timeline infection on to those the time traveler touched. Could it be only those who got touched can time travel?

At the end it could be the daughter who got sent back in time. Maybe the daughter in the future now looks like the mother and she is the once who gets sent back since the timeline changed. The brother is not longer the one in the experiment?


Definitely agree with the lack of jump scares. I'd also add that once we see how the entities zap in and out of spacetime, it becomes clear that this isn't supernatural.

As for the ending, the way I see it is that once the mother teleports through time, the entire timeline is then changed, wherein Jacob will not exact revenge on the lab in the future and therefore will not be sent to the past. This is mostly due to the fact that when future Jacob cuts his younger self, his face changes. Now, for this idea to work in the sense of a single timeline (established by the cut), when he hugs his mother when she returns, the entire plot with future Jacob would never have taken place and maybe the movie cuts out before we can see that happen. This would create a second plot (or the TRUE timeline) where Jacob's mother is killed by another one of the entities (I vote the creepy dryer dude).

We're left with a sort of loop where the movie plot itself never becomes the future, but will nevertheless always happen.

Movie wasn't great but I do think the writers thought their whole time travel business through quite thoroughly.


That's alot more coherent than the film!

I didn't understand why he attacked his mum though.
