Cuckold Fetishism for Teens

A producer whose entire writing career consists of interracial cuckold fetishism has written a Nickelodeon show that seems to have elements of-- you guessed it, cuckold fetishism. The White male characters are seen to be either weak or evil, and from the trailors all the evil characters are given a Southern accent. The weakest of the White characters possesses the #99 on his sports jacket i.e. last place, the team name of course being the "Bull dogs", Bull being a highly-used term for interracial cuckold fetishists. The White lead female who is also the football quarter back is given the number 1: this shows the numerical symbolism behind the jackets, and thus that everything in this show is highly planned out. The Jewish White kid, who while weak is not evil, is given the number 27-- a symbolic number for the holocaust. The black student is given the number 8, which according to the picture represents the Black 8-ball but also in Christian eschatology and mythology represents wordly perfection (see the book of revelation). The male lead and love interest of the female lead is Black, of course. There's a trailor for an episode named "Traitor Dater" on Youtube. Whenever the White female lead is shown in TV cover images, the "dog" part of her jersey is covered by her hair, leaving only the "bull" part. She is, in all of the images, shown closest to her future male love interest, the bull.

Literally something out of White supremacist fan fiction...


Thinking more about it...I will admit, as a straight white male, to having interracial/cuckold fantasies involving white females. Hope that doesn't make me a racist or sexist or whatever. I don't think I am. Hell, I voted for Obama (and would again - not perfect, but still better than the Republican/conservative agenda). Also consider myself a feminist and would have voted for Hilary over any Republican, too. People who act like feminism or racial equality (or any kind of equality) are somehow a bad thing creep me out. I'm so liberal I'm basically a Socialist. Or at least a (wannabe) hippie :-) However, I know how eager everyone is these days in this PC culture to jump down your throat if you say the wrong thing. But everyone has crazy fantasies, right? Well, if they're honest. Never said I was perfect. But "normal" people who expect others to be perfect certainly are creepy.

So yeah, I have those fantasies. I'm just not seeing any evidence (yet) of interracial relationships or cuckolding on this show. At all. So all these posts about it are what seem ridiculous to me. Maybe I'm just "socially retarded" or whatever, unable to pick up on the cues, but I'm just not seeing it. So what the hell is going on? People trying too hard to look for something that just isn't there. People are too cynical these days. Too eager to judge. And yes, I do find it creepy. If that makes me judgmental too, so be it. But I'll always take a stand against bullies, macho "alpha" douchebags, and those who try to prey on the weak. It might not be "cool", but its just in my blood/DNA to be that way.

"That's the theme of my movies: The victory of the battered idealist in a cynical world."

