Show is Cancelled

After 13 episodes, NBC decidec to pull the plug on the show again.
This sad news came to me a few days ago, I believe it was wednesday.

Bob Greenblatt confirmed that there would not be another round of the Tim Kring drama.



For the record, Matt Parkman (and his actor) was always annoying.

I'm saddened that Heroes is gone yet again, I've actually been enjoying this show. The prospect of a world-changing solar flare occuring is actually more likely than many realize.


I'd be willing to bet they had at least some hope the series would become popular again and go beyond this show. Sadly, it didn't come back with the bang it should have and all they did was try to recreate season one.


Why, because all the women are busty blonde waifs like your avatar, and all the men aren't twink models like Beeber? gods forbid anyone was over THIRTY!! EWWWW!!!

You DO know the tagline was "ORDINARY people discovering extraordinary abilities", right? and more of America looks like Matt than Peter or Sylar. The casting was actually pretty good about getting totally AVERAGE looking people like the Dale Smither actress back in s1. After that, not so much. Maybe Clint Howard in s3v4?

FU Kring


We'll clearly know by tonights ending if the show was cancelled or if they really wanted to do one season only.


Open ending definitely means it wasn't supposed to end.


open ending definitely means Kring is an azzhole for pulling that stunt.

FU Kring


How do you cancel a mini-series?
Is a movie canceled when the credits roll.

I'm like a rabbit suddenly trapped
In the blinding headlights of vacuous crap.


It would have been interesting to see where season 2 might have went.


You should really watch the finale before you post, or else you make yourself sound stupid.

They ended on a big cliffhanger with threads that would obviously lead into another season, a season that will never come.


And many movies end with a scene to keep open the possibility of a franchise. Doesn't mean one was planned in any way. Just that should an opportunity arise they have an easy springboard.

I'm like a rabbit suddenly trapped
In the blinding headlights of vacuous crap.


You truly are an idiot.


Considering the source, I shall take that as the highest compliment.

I'm like a rabbit suddenly trapped
In the blinding headlights of vacuous crap.


It was CLEARLY meant to come back in another season. How could anymore remotely suggest otherwise??? People stop letting the PR spin fool you. If this show had good ratings it wouldve went another season or five easily. It didnt so it got cancelled.

Marvel 2016: Agents of Shield, Agent Carter, Daredevil, Civil War, Dr. Strange, Luke Cage!


Guess I'm too old. In my day a mini-series was a mini-series. Especially one with a well defined beginning middle and end. But Agent Carter was promoted the same way and had the same design and yet here it is for another round.

You'd think I'd learn by now that nothing remotely related to entertainment is true.

Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet.


The seas--series finale episode is the evidence that they wanted to make a second season.


Very little ends, from books to movies to mini-series of old, without leaving the door open for the possibility of more and for those with imagination to continue to play with it mentally. One never knows the future so it is just smart business to leave in a parting hook.

Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet.


FX's Fargo was meant to be a mini-series and what happened to it?


I thought it was originally touted as an anthology like American Horror Story and True Detective. That's the way I remember it - but not terribly clearly so you could be right.

Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet.


Fargo really was meant to be nothing more than a mini-series of 10 episodes but due to the success FX renewed the show for a second and now a third season.

NBC and Kring were really aiming for more than they could handle. lol



Underused characters are usually a hint that they tried to keep some loose ends.
And an ending of the main arc does not mean they had not planned to add another season. The difference between not picked up and cancelled might be important when it comes to the creators' contracts, but in this case does not make a difference for the observation that this show underperformed and was not considered worth a second season.

On the positive side: not long ago that length would have been a half-season and the cancellation would have come in the middle of the season arc, so I guess that "mini-series"-pretense-concept works at least in some way in favour of the audience.


I really enjoy movies with "guest stars".


FU Kring


I liked the storytelling they were able to do with this half-season. I think networks should plan to wrap up one major story arc every half season like this. That way if they need to cancel, they don't leave people hanging. Sure, this half-season ended on a "cliffhanger," but the topic was introduced in the last two minutes, so the show's audience isn't invested in seeing it. This is more how British TV works.

The network can reboot this again in another five to ten years if Tim Kring dreams up another chapter. I like that this mini-series didn't get stretched beyond it's natural life like the last seasons of Heroes I.


mini-series didn't get stretched beyond it's natural life

Perfect example of that is Under the Dome. Script written in full in advance with beginning, middle and end. Then it's ratings were a hair too good (for summer) and they changed the ending and tried to make a series out of the pieces.

And the series, that was no great shakes to begin with, completely went to hell.
I'd love to see the original ending (never shot)

I'm like a rabbit suddenly trapped
In the blinding headlights of vacuous crap.


I don't know why new shows even bothering leaving end of season cliff hangers with NBC's record of cancelling shows. NBC who also own Syfy who are the worlds worse for cancelling shows.
I've made a new rule for myself that I won't watch any new shows until they are at least 3-4 seasons in


Sad news lol

The universe isn’t evil, John, it’s just indifferent.


To bad but it was supposed to be a mini series anyways. Yet utter crap Keeping Up With The Kardtrashians (Kardashians )keeps going.


Shocker. This show was awful.


They ended this one with a cliffhanger too? Forget that.


Damn it. Was just checking when this was starting up this year to find ut its cancelled!

Thats happens when you dont realise that Sylar vs Peter is the *beep* story everyone wants to see. Not a bunch of teenage mutants losing their virginity.

I was sort of hoping that Sylar and Peter would come back to the series after it gathered new viewers. I though the first three seasons were good. And i suppose thats the real end of it. Sad to see a potentially good story end this way with a bunch of bad ideas mixed up together, and the creators not realising the real strengths of the story.


Milo and Zach have been saying for at least the last year and a half they were NOT RETURNING and had MOVED ON.

Funny how people keep missing those interviews, yet still come up with some random bit that even diehards have trouble finding.

FU Kring


To cancel this was the easiest decision ever. There was not a single good thing about the show, everything went wrong. A practice in amateurish mediocrity bordering on a confused farce. Just finished watching and came here to see if it was cancelled. Go figure.

"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain"
