MovieChat Forums > Heroes Reborn (2015) Discussion > What power would you want?

What power would you want?

I'd definitely want telekinesis, cause it would actually allow you to do so much more than just move things, like fly, super strength, super speed, create a barrier around yourself and be nearly invulnerable, be able to control the elements, and if you did get hurt would be able to heal yourself and probably be able to heal others too and i'm sure there's more things you could do that's all thats just coming to mind, but what would you want.


Teleportation because I'm extremely lazy.


Peter Petrelli's original ability with Sylar's level or adaptability and control; as soon as I mimicked a power, I'd know how to use it.

Or, teleportation.


Narrowing it down to one would be extremely difficult. Enhanced intellect would be great, as would rapid regeneration and superhuman agility.


telekinesis all the way (I always screw around with it when I'm in a lucid dream)

on a more cynical note the power to tell my former self not to watch this dreadful show
scientifically traditions are an idiot thing


Batman or Arrow style. No powers jus a bunch of cool gadgets(nd money of course) lol

**Christ died for your sins, was buried and rose on the 3rd day. Turn away from sin and to Christ**
