
Would you believe that the item held by one of the cast members who tells a woman that he is there to shepherd along is an old 45 rpm adapter used to play 45's on the old stereo sets. Haven't seen one of them in 30 years. Didn't know they still used them


Yes, I had to laugh when I saw that. It's clear that the film makers think their audience won't recognize it.

They could make a whole series using "alien" artifacts from the past -- a rotary-dial telephone, metal ice cube trays, roller skate keys.


They could make a whole series using "alien" artifacts from the past -- a rotary-dial telephone, metal ice cube trays, roller skate keys.


James Frain is old enough to remember those.....He must have felt like an idiot doing that scene.


Ok I feel stupid cause I know what 45 adapter are but for some reason I thought it was the little disc that came out of the play guns back in the day.....anyone remember those guns. You'd drive your parents crazy with those little disc all over the place!


I recognized it right away - and remember using them. Turntables had either a pop-up spindle for the 45s, or, if it had a multi-play spindle, a larger adapter that let you play a whole stack of singles. If all you had was the skinny spindle for albums, you had to use the adapter.

If you want to see everyday objects used as props in creative ways, watch the 1974 movie "Dark Star". Plastic ice cube trays were panel buttons, muffin tins were the rear panels of the starsuit equipment packs, the elevator was a huge crate on an appliance dolly and the alien creature was a beach ball. It may seem laughably cheesy, but remember that the writers went on to create "Alien" five years later.


I was wondering what it was supposed to be since it looked like the 45s adapter. Glad to know that I'm not the only one who thought that was stupid.


Can you guys please post a photo of the thing?
I have no idea what anyone is talking about.




If you are being a smartass, you could have at least made the link clickable.


by exatera ยป Sun Aug 24 2014 07:40:16
If you are being a smartass, you could have at least made the link clickable.
Wow, just wow. Not only too lazy to search for it yourself, but when someone does the work for you, you insult them and whine that you can't just click a link, because c&p is too difficult, or somehow just beneath you. Wow, just wow.

CaptainTiddlywinks- lmgtfy is the best thing i've seen today. You're a rockstar.

"In a time of universal deceit,
telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
George Orwell


You must get shocked and offended a lot in life.


No, but I do tend to respond to something shockingly offensive. And speaking of shockingly offensive, I thought your username looked familiar. Since you responded to me, am I to assume that I'm off your ignore list? (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2282610/board/nest/193885454?d=206601991#20 6601991) Yes- it's clickable, because Lord knows I'd hate to generate another tirade about that!

And more importantly, does this mean that a bar tab is up for discussion?

"In a time of universal deceit,
telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
George Orwell


I got rid of my ignore list since with the amount of time I spend on IMDB these days it's really irrelevant, but why are you so preoccupied with me? Seems strange to me that someone would care so much what I said two years ago.

This is only a message board, don't take it so seriously.



There are several types. I missed the scene being discussed but if you google 45's adapter maybe you'll recognize one of the images as being what the character was holding.



Here is a selection of 45 Adapters.

https://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&; source=hp&biw=1366&bih=681&q=45s+adapter&oq=45s+adapte r&gs_l=img.3...1063.5679.0.6725. ..1ac.1.52.img..6.5.525.Bp7g_jDKcb8#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=QQU QEc0ym0MGZM%253A%3BdN6ZBbZUWBECnM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fgadgets.boingbo ing.net%252Fgimages%252Ftwenty45.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fgadgets.boin gboing.net%252F2008%252F12%252F05%252Ftwenty-45-adapters.html%3B520%3B 406

You can't palm off a second-rater on me. You gotta remember I was in the pink!


Didn't do a thing for me. Na da, zero, nothing...waste of time. And besides, a child could not drown a large cat in a bathtub without that cat scratching, biting, wriggling, screeching. And then the human' hands, arms and probably face would be scratched to bits. Give me a break.



I think its intended to be a 45 rpm adapter, I think different people are activated by different objects, as he shows the little girl a sand dollar before the guy inside her awakens.


I've got tons of these 45 adapters. They are still being made, even today. In fact, I just popped one out of my 2014 45rpm copy of Jack White's "Lazaretto" when I put the record back in file after playing it.
People, join the real world. Vinyl records never went away totally and are having an astronomical rise in sales. Most factories are working at maximum capacity trying to get the records out!


Correct,Patrick. I value my old records (not only 45s) for the sound as well as the fact that much has not been transferred to CDs. The days when they were a quarter at yard sales and flea markets are long gone. Try and find a reasonable player! 78s are virtually impossible to play unless you have hoarded three or so players like I have. I knew what it was instantly by the way. Glad it was explained as a trigger.


jprhedd, I have been collecting recorded media for over 50 years, including CDs, reel-to-reel tapes, DVD/BluRay and of course, records. When I saw the 45 adapter I thought, what the heck? Interesting.

There are more brand new turntables and record players out there that can play most speeds, including 78's, than you might think. The problem here is the stylus. Fortunately, several cartrige/stylus manufacturers currently make them, like Shure and AudioTechnica. Even if a turntable doesn't have the 78rpm speed, programs such as provided by Audacity and DAK have them built in to convert them. Still, the key here is the stylus, for the best sound.

The AudioTechnica AT-LP120(USB) series turntable has 78rpm speed and is still being made. I've got a couple of these and they are great. If you want a self-contained record player, with and without built-in CD recorders, that have a dedicated 78rpm speed setting, Crosley has a large line(but they are junk compared to a real record player). Other manufacturers use the same cheap-o Chinese BSR turntable.


Not too many years ago in a neighboring town was a restaurant/bar called "Hi-Fi" ~~ and their decor was old LP covers lining some of the walls and 45 records on the wall around the bar. The 45 adapter was the token that they gave you to signify that another patron in the bar wanted to buy you a drink. I was delighted to see one again on a TV show ~~ so where's my drink?


I took from it that it was a personalized trigger as well .
Patrick good buddy- no one hates to admit this as much as me , with my thousands of records and serious component performance, but vinyl is not re-blazing a trail toward audio salvation. Although I am glad to see a more appreciative audience and the possibility of sustainable printing , the "Factories" struggling to keep up with demand are less than 1% of the same just 5 yrs before the advent of CD's. Not to mention downloads. But I'm with you !


Thanks for that. Can't believe I didn't get that, kept wondering what the sand dollar significance was. So, your thought is that the soul has been in the host awhile and is being awakened or that it is recent and he is helping it wake up? I am not sure of the mechanics of it but I guess we will find out in time. I don't get why he was going to shoot the little girl,he let her go when she said she was just a little girl but why was he going to kill her before then?


From what I gathered, the "sleeping" souls are implanted somehow 9 years previous, and then awakened by a visitor with a trigger object. I believe the soul of Marcus (that was in the little girl) has a long-standing feud with James Frain's character. He thought Marcus had already managed to take control of her body, but he/she duped him by pretending to still be Madison. There was a quick "inside peek" with Frain during one of the commercial breaks where he said his decision not to kill the girl would have major repercussions going forward in the series.


Yeah I can't believe I didn't catch that either.

Unless Alpert's covered in bacon grease, I don't think Hugo can track anything.
