MovieChat Forums > Thor: Ragnarok (2017) Discussion > I'm still worried this movie will be mos...

I'm still worried this movie will be mostly COMEDY

I read Thor 3 will be a buddy comedy. Like.....really? This talented cast, and it's a COMEDY? The director already said this movie will be funny. Uggggghhhh.......


Have some faith, don't judge the film before you see it, a few jokes here and there won't hurt.


I read Thor 3 will be a buddy comedy. Like.....really? This talented cast, and it's a COMEDY? The director already said this movie will be funny. Uggggghhhh.......

Ghostbusters. It's a great comedy. It's a great science fiction movie. It's a great movie.

Fargo. It's a great (dark) comedy. It's a great crime thriller. It's a great movie.

Shaun of the Dead. It's a great comedy. It's great horror movie. It's a great movie.

Hell, Ant-Man. It's a great comedy. It's a great super-hero movie. It's a great movie. That one's a less universally held opinion.

There's a broad, broad spectrum cinematic comedies. Somehow, I doubt that this one's gonna be at the Zoolander end of the sprectrum.


Great examples of great films that blend comedy with drama, action, romance, or horror.

Please don't call someone a _____tard.


It was a terrible comedy movie too, no heart or substance.


Why don't you have a look at the directors comedy fantasy film 'what we do in the shadows'. Its a mockumentary about vampires.

Im not even going to try to judge this film before we see anything from it.


Civil War has humour in it but you wouldn't call it a comedy.

You might be referring to the interview a while ago, with a question to Taika Waititi when he said it was going to be a comedy, he was clearly joking. He was being over-the-top and being sarcastic.


Civil War actually had very little humor. Seriously, 99% of the humor was in that airport scene alone, which was only 17 minutes long. The movie was 2 hours and 26 minutes. Take out that airport scene, you have roughly 2 hours and 10 minutes left of seriousness. Now, you have that car scene with Falcon and Bucky (a few seconds of humor), and Tony meeting Peter (about a 5 minute scene), and Stan Lee's cameo (a few seconds) and you've got a two and a half hour movie, where a good two HOURS of it that's very serious and dramatic. The same goes for Winter Soldier.

That interview is what I'm referring to, honestly. But, it's almost impossible to detect sarcasm through an online comment. He could've actually been very serious when making that statement. And I'm pretty sure Thor 3 will be comedy, because Waititi did say in an interview that his strength is his style of humor. He commented his humor is a different, fresher style of humor and he'll definitely make this movie funny.

I'm just worried because we already have, and evidently getting more comedy MCU films. Guardians of the Galaxy volume 2, Spider-Man: Homecoming, and Thor: Ragnorak all come out around the same time (May, July, then November 2017 respectively), are all high on comedy. Even if they are great films, it gets stale. MCU just can't shake off that reputation for being super light hearted with very little stakes. We get closer to Thanos' arrival, and we keep getting MCU films geared towards generating big laughs.


I just tried to find a clip of the actual interview or at least that part, but it doesn't seem to be available anymore. However if you were like me able to see the actual footage of the interview question and response (that happened at the Sundance Film Festival for Hunt For Wilderpeople) maybe it's a New Zealand/Australian thing, but he made several very, very over-the-top references to the humour with a very dry wit. It's more obvious if you'd seen it.

That being said, of course there will be some humour in it. Branagh first injected that style into Thor movies, as he explained you need a little humour to help you cope it all the fantastical and serious natural of the rest of the movie. Which could be exactly what's needed in Thor 3. The balance of humour though needs to be just right.


You mean this interview?

It did seem like he was just being sarcastic and not actually serious.

Its amazing how people hang around message boards of movies they dont like


OP isn't the brightest bulb.....


How????? I didn't see that interview. I had a COMMENT online to go off of, okay?

Don't be a douche.


» 8 hours ago (Sun May 22 2016 13:32:33) Flag ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since January 2015

How????? I didn't see that interview. I had a COMMENT online to go off of, okay?

Don't be a douche.

That's how, instead of watching the interview you took a comment out of context and rushed over here to whine about it.


I didn't even KNOW there was a video of the interview.

Again, don't be a douche.


My only worry is, you have Hulk and Thor, arguably the two most powerful heroes we've seen yet, and everyone else in this film is on an even higher level (Hela, Grandmaster, Odin). I want to see these two absolutely wreck shop.

This is just a Tribute.


I agree that if it's ultra campy throughout, I'm going to be pissed.

But I hope it is mostly serious and I'd be okay with very rare jokes.


It will not be a comedy. There will be some jokes as there is in all other mcu movies, but the OP is acting like it is going to be some radical change to the formula. It will be the same style.


You're worried that a film introducing death and the destruction of Asgard will be a comedy?


marvel has said they aren't going all in to be super series like the DC universe wants to be. they have a perfect level of action and comedy. almost all their movies have been great.
