MovieChat Forums > Captain America: Civil War (2016) Discussion > Captain America the holder of the title ...

Captain America the holder of the title of BEST TRILOGY of all-time!

In less than two months everyone will be calling Captain America the holder of the title of BEST TRILOGY of all-time. The hater trolls might as well get used to seeing it in print now. It may ease the anger and frustration come May.

It will take the genre title away from Iron Man, that's clear but can Cap's three films be considered the best no matter the genre? Do you refuse to comment until you actually see Civil War? At this same point (after two films) people could have claimed that both The Godfather and Spider-Man were certain top trilogies but both third films were a step backward. Given the epic nature of the trailers and the early buzz, doesn't it seem highly probable that Civil War avoided the third film let down?

I accept your surrender.


Lol do you have any idea how needy you sound ? CA:TFA wasn't even a very good movie ... average at best, I would say.


The first half was 8.5/10. The second half was 5/10. So yeah...about a 6 or 7 overall. People seem to want to rewrite history because Cap 2 and 3 have turned out so good.


Cap 1 was astonishing in the fact that it wasn't ridiculously bad. You need to rewind to 2011 when nobody thought Cap would translate to the screen. I remember walking out of the theater impressed. There was about a 95% chance that film was going to be bad...but they found that 5% window.

Get busy livin' or get busy dyin'...
...That's god damn right.


Cap 2 and 3 have turned out so good.

so you already saw CA:CW?


It magically became a "well received classic" (well received is often another way of saying it bombed ) after Winter Soldier made it cool to like Cap.

THE PRODUCERS OF GODS OF EGYPT FOR THOR 3!! Enough of this cheap, TV level studio!!


CA:TFA wasn't even a very good movie ... average at best, I would say.

And I would say, speak only for yourself. I love TFA because in all the origin films of the Marvel franchise, Cap's film is by far the best. Although I love IM and Tony's origin story, I feel there was far more at stake in TFA and as the title says, a harbinger of the MCU to come. Personally I love Cap's arc the best. But to call TFA average.... sorry. No I wouldn't. I'd call it one of the best CBMs.

Sometimes my ruminations are too confusing for someone not inside my head. -Anon


I did speak for myself, hence, "I would say". I don't come on here and unequivocally declare my stance as truth, unlike so many others on retched IMDB.


Obviously subjective. This a great movie I am sure, probably better than BvS. But I bet if you asked the average person in 2 months what the greatest film trilogy of all time.was, the vast majority would share my opinion that it is Star Wars IV-VI. Dark Knight and Back To The Future would also probably get votes.

I like KOTCS, the prequels, AND Van Halen III. You really think I give a #$%@ what YOU think?


The majority would say LotR if theyre sane. Three 10/10 films.


You're right, they're great movies. A little long.

It is dark, looking at the skyline. I must say it is a very deep, dark and mature skyline. All other skylines are kiddie


Toy Story is 3 10/10s... LotR is 2 10s & a 9 at best. The Fellowship was so damned boring.


hahaha.. no, not even a close. the first movie is pretty meh

best trilogies

The Dark Knight
The Vengeance
The Lord of the Rings
Back to the Future
Three Colors
Toy Story


The Dark Knight Rises dismissed any argument that it is a quality trilogy. Batman Begins kinda does too.

Alien is a better candidate.

Peter's so fat and stupid, Lamar Odom tried to *beep* him.


the Dark Knight Trilogy may be not perfect but it's clearly better than Captain America trilogy

really, do you like Alien 3? I thought that movie is is simply dull.


Yep I like Alien 3. It's nice and bleak with a fantastic soundtrack.

Peter's so fat and stupid, Lamar Odom tried to *beep* him.



Just for four words.

Lord Of The Rings

Tell Zod that his cervical collar is great.


Part three is trash with six ending points.


TOP 3 is in play. I mean, LOTR and Star Wars OT are going to be hard to beat, but it's possible.

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It has no chance of beating TLOTR, TDK, SW OT, BTTF and Man with no name trilogies.


BTTF, TDK3, Fistful and Toy Story trilogies have weaker links than The First Avenger. ROTJ versus C:TFA is an interesting debate... but I think ROTJ probably has it.

Content by KeyBrains is copyright protected not to be duplicated without accreditation (KeyBrains)


The man with no name trilogy has no weak movies. All three films are amazing and much better than any MCU movie.

4 8 15 16 23 42


It will be one of the few trilogies that got better with every movie. I do feel Civil War will be the best. Almost no trilogy is universally liked 3,2,1 in terms of how good the movies are. Star Wars prequels but thats kinda a pick your poison.


Toy story...


Ummmmm.... no.

If you feel like Picard screaming how many lights there are, it's time to walk away from the thread.


Best comic book trilogy...

Superman III tanked
Batman Returns was mediocre and the next two were horrific
Nolan's trilogy was dull
Iron Man II is slightly worse than First Avenger (but still good)
Spider-Man III was a triple-villain catastrophe

Get busy livin' or get busy dyin'...
...That's god damn right.
