DeVonte? Seriously?

Isn't this kid going to feel like the odd man out compared to the names that his brothers and sisters have?


It's just a name. It shouldn't matter what someone's name is. Character is more important. Besides I am not sure why Dre said all his kids have white names Jr's name is ANDRE. He won't be Jr in the corporate world.....


Plenty of white people named Andre besides Andre the Giant.


Yeah there are plenty black and Latino people with the name john too my point is when you hear Andre or Dre you are not going to think of a white person because most Andres are black. And to me Andre the giant isn't white he is french. Technically french people are white but so are latinoes so I don't classify all "white" people as white just the ones in America.


It shouldn't matter, but unfortunately society is a strange bird and even something as seemingly trivial as a person's name can impact how they are perceived by others. This doesn't just apply to names that might reveal a person's race or ethnicity.

Here's a little activity: Imagine 5 women and try to describe as much about them as you can, what they look like, what they do for a living, their personalities, ages, etc. Their names are your only clue.
The first is named Susan, the next is named Cherry, the third is Betty Sue, the fourth is called Hulga and the last is named Mackenzie. Are you already imagining different traits in these women? I have a feeling you might be, oh and just to make things even more interesting, since Mackenzie was six years old, everyone's called her Mack. Did your image of her change at all?

So yes names do matter as far as people's perceptions, but I wanted to add that doesn't mean I think a parent should bow to pressure and kid a "safer" sounding name, nor am I saying they should rebel against societal norms and give their kid a more unconventional name. I'm just saying that these facts do exist and its up to parents have to decide how much weight they're going to give those factors when they name their child.


Um, Dre is in the corporate world. Marketing VP of urban sales. Why wouldn't Jr. be able to be in the corporate world too?


Why wouldn't Jr. be able to be in the corporate world too?

I think you misread what dazfx2 was saying. He didn't say Jr. wouldn't be in the corporate world, in fact, he implied that he would. He said that he wouldn't be Jr. in the corporate world. As in, his co-workers wouldn't call him that. They will call him Andre, which is predominately a "black" name in America.


Yes what this person said. Besides most Jrs don't like being called Jr when they are an adult. Well other than Jr Griffey lol


No self-respecting adult goes by the name Junior.


I liked "DeBrickashaw"


I think it's D'Brickashaw but yeah it's an interesting name. If the person that has that name wasn't an offensive lineman the name fits perfectly for one. Like Charlie or Jack I can't remember who said it but DeVonte Johnson screamed NFL safety lol


Oh my God, I don't watch football, but they weren't joking in the show... that is a real football player's name, he's an offensive tackle:'Brickashaw_Ferguson


DeVonte isn't uncommon; especially in the African-American community. I think the point was not to shun their culture/heritage.

In terms of uniqueness, there's also Utah Mormon forenames.

The Utah Baby Namer

It's funny how Utah names aren't singled-out as "bad".

You can observe a lot just by watching. -- Yogi Berra


Not really. I'm sure he'll act no different then them. Which is the only thing I had against the episode it seems like Dre seems to still think he can mold his son to be what he wants him to be despite not being able to do that with the other two, you think he would have learned by now that your child is not going to be what you want them to be but for some reason he thinks that his name will make that different.

"Who lives, who dies, who tells your story"


