MovieChat Forums > Agent Carter (2015) Discussion > This board in a nutshell

This board in a nutshell

- 30% of threads whining about a black guy being Peggy's love interest, and trying unsuccessfully to hide their racism by writing *beep* like "this is PC pandering" etc.

- 20% of threads whining about "PC agenda" in general how feminism is bad and makes the show lack physically and mentally flawless white male heroes that every show apparently needs

- 20% of "OMG Hayley Atwell is so hawt! BOOBZ!" threads

- maybe 30% threads about the actual show

Feel free to correct me on the above percentages. :)

I almost forgot what IMDB was like, this is a not-so-nice reminder.


You forgot the ones who keep making threads about how Atwell is fat and so on(you know the kind of people who are full of hate).
But besides that I must sadly agree with your assessment.

- Everyone keeps saying i'm paranoid, it must be a conspiracy.



I was hoping there would be more negative threads here, cuz I am trying to kill time watching Agent Carter on Netflix and I am struggling wheter or not to kill myself instead. The PC narrative of that show is chocking. It makes no sense and it feels forced.

Season one had a good villain, and halfway trough the show they toned down the man vs female narrative and then they started working together which felt nice. Season 2 is back to full PC nonsense from episode 1. I just hope they will tone it down after they get it out of their system. I am on episode 3 now, and I hope it would be better. WHY CANT NETFLIX GIVE GOTHAM INSTEAD?

I want season two of Gotham on Netflix not Agent Carter.


Look, the naked truth about IMDb that I've learned to accept over the years is this.

Everyone will vote. These ratings, they're accurate. People all over the world are voting. A large group pf people of different races, cultures, backgrounds, ages, and genders are voting in the easiest of ways, through their facebook accounts or twitter, etc. It makes IMDb a very accessible way to rate movies and thus a very accurate way to rate movies.

Unfortunately, scarce few of its voters care to comment on the discussion forums. I mean, a LOT of its voters talk here, but still only a small portion of the overall voters. So my conclusion?

The discussion forums of IMDb, and almost every website in general, are mostly populated by the minority. The irrational, close minded (and close EARED), and biased minority. Only a small percentage of that much larger group of voters care to comment here. They believe this unique quality makes them more intelligent, since no one else does it. The sad truth is, if they are all saying the same thing with no new points (AKA no actual DISCUSSION) there is very little intelligent thought here.

Personally, I don't think you're one of these bast*rds, and I hope you have yourself a marvelous day (=

P.S. I love Agent Carter, and not because of reasons regarding feminism. It's just a great show. This is coming from a man.



But, Hayley Atwell is hot and does have great boobs.
