MovieChat Forums > Agent Carter (2015) Discussion > Please Americans, stop it with Russians ...

Please Americans, stop it with Russians already!

I liked the show at the beginning. Then started that stupid Russian thing, AGAIN. Enough already! Russians DON'T speak English between themselves, they are not keeping their children in cages, they are not killing machines, they are not mindless idiots with killing instincts, nor hating USA soooo badly as you think. You people just spread meaningless hate towards the whole nation! I really started to hate this show and I am not Russian or some crazy communist. I just hate the way America in their shows presents themselves as greatest heroes in the world and every other nation they don't like as some kind of iron, mindless monsters. That is called nationalism and that is called promoting hate towards the whole one nation. Not to mention that USA attacked most countries than any other country in the world, including mine.
I started to hate this show and I really, really liked it at first. I realize it's a fiction, but then don't use it for politics, please. I hate politics in something that's supposed to be an art. SO please, stop it! Art should never promote hate or politics. I am very big fan of art, don't spoil me that.


As someone who lives under really bad regime, and used to live in even worse dictatorship, I can tell you that people in general, folks as you say, are just same as in any other country. What government of your country does, is not something you can influence in any way.
It's wrong to depict whole nation as ugly monsters just because they are unfortunate enough to live in a country that had and has dark periods, so to say (I am not native, so I can' express really well). My country was also depicted many times as country of monsters and ugly brainless (and dirty) people who were fought by brave and beautiful Americans so it's not that I don't know how Russians or Arabs or Chinese or whatever other nation they hate feels like. Problem is when a beautiful work of fiction spreads hate among people. I am not pro Russian or anti American but I just hate one dimensional hate in movies. Why I mention British or US movies? Because they are MOST watched and most famous. So, I think people who work in art should use fictional nations or people no matter what. It's not a good idea to spread hate. I lived that when I was very young and it was horrible.


People have explained to you over several pages that Agent Carter is set during the Cold War and therefore must reflect the antagonism of the period. What is complicated about that? There is no "hate" directed at any group in Agent Carter just because a few individual Russians are the villains of the piece.

We know that Soviet countries gave their people no choice in multiple areas of life from Stalin's purges, spy for us or be killed, and then down to areas such as the the drugging of elite athletes that continues to this day.

You seem incapable of separating life from art. Why should no one watch something you're uncomfortable with? There are plenty of programmes I don't watch for a variety of reasons but that doesn't mean that they shouldn't exist or that they should adapt so that I want to watch them. The creators of all programmes are as entitled to their freedom of expression as I am to my right not to watch.

In fiction where we have a hero or heroine we have a corresponding anti-hero or villain to be overcome. That seems unlikely to change and as long as the characterisation is appropriate to the age it's entirely reasonable.

Peggy Carter was instrumental in co-founding Shield which counters terrorist threats mostly within but also outwith the U.S.
How would they explain the need for such an organisation without referencing the political climate at the time?

If all of this bothers you to the extent you imply it's maybe time to switch off and watch programmes that don't offend you or feel free to contact the makers and ask them to pretend that Agent Carter is set in a fictional land but theyre not going to change that for you (if indeed we get a 3rd series)
Asking that people change or adapt or ignore things that make you uncomfortable is a slippery slope towards censorship and one that I hope I'll never live to see.


You do realize that Agent Carter took place during the Cold War, right?

When Russia was America's enemy?


biba_yu, thank you for voicing my thoughts, I agree completely! I'm so fed up with American paranoia and "Russian thing" - it's EVERYWHERE! And is even more annoying because it's in fiction.
I am Russian by the way, though not crazy, evil or communist.:)
