MovieChat Forums > The Lobster (2015) Discussion > Which animal would you choose?

Which animal would you choose?

Let's say you exist in this film's reality, loneliness wins out and you're forced to choose an animal form before being shipped out to the woods... which form do you choose? Also, which form do you think would be the most popular with those destined to that fate?


A whale.

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down and a Wagging Finger of Shame


Panda. I could just eat and sleep and give zero f-cks about anything. Or maybe a koala, same reasons.

Looking for more Looking


Best answer ever! Panda's don't mate much though, do they. But at least you'd probably land in one of those cushy breeding programs, presuming pandas are still extant but endangered in The Lobster's future. In fact I think the hotel manager mentions at the beginning two animals that are extinct (think they're endangered in our world?), I'll have to re-watch the film. Also, no-one eats koala's, apparently their meat tastes horrible because of all those eucalyptus leaves they eat. So, another good choice.

I think I'd be a chimpanzee or a gorilla.

"Hot lesbian witches!"


Great White Shark.


Whichever bird that makes the longest nonstop flight


Grizzly Bear.

I have a particular set of skills. And they all involve antagonising folk.


I'm in agreeance with several other posters and would choose the largest bird of prey, which google says is the Andean Condor with a wing span of over 10 freaking feet.

And I'd absolutely maul, maim, and murder whoever turned me in to a freaking bird in the first place. I'd be winged death slashing the faces and throats of all the oppressive forces in this movie.

And of course hot ass condor sex.


Some kind of bird.

Death is the standard breach for a complex prize.


I would choose to be a sheep as they are the only animals that have super powers. Sheep can stand all day in rain and their wool coats don't shrink and yet everything wool I ever put in the wash has shrunk. Granted it's not a very powerful super power but I imagine as a sheep with a tiny brain, you'd be pretty made up about it.

Anyone choosing to be a bird is wrong because birds are not animals, they are birds.
