MovieChat Forums > The Lobster (2015) Discussion > Behold the unholy birth of MFA filmmakin...

Behold the unholy birth of MFA filmmaking

Okay, not the birth... There have been plenty of soulless, gutless, plotless and pretentious pieces of cinematic drivel long before THE LOBSTER, but this is an especially bad showcase of the worst kind of twee writing workshop dialog ("This is my friend. He has a lisp." </BARF>) which hides a thoroughly tortured, overwrought "plot" that takes itself way to seriously despite its desperation to be Wes Anderson-esque. Truly the worst thing I have seen in years.


You either have only seen a handful of movies, or are completely oblivious to the director's and screenwriter's way of making their own flicks.

Either way, you clearly don't know what you're talking about, so the end result is just you coming across as an educated idiot.

Might wanna work on that.

Fine, fine, I'll leave! But first I'm going to bother these peanuts! Hmm? Yes? Hmm? HMM?


This board is filled with people whose only frame of reference for non-Hollywood movies is "Wes Anderson"... it's rather sad, really.

For your information, "Wes Anderson" is what you get when an American director tries to imitate what he considers "artsy/quirky/weird European movies" and only focuses on those few elements that he considers "typically European", which he then magnifies to kitsch-y proportions. Add to that a filter that takes off the rough edges in order to make it palatable to an American audience, and the result is a "Wes Anderson" movie.

I'm not saying that I don't enjoy his movies (I really like The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou); just that Wes Anderson is hardly the starting point/template/benchmark for artful movies (especially to European directors).



