MovieChat Forums > Welcome to Sweden (2014) Discussion > it is a nice show, but there is too much...

it is a nice show, but there is too much reading....

i don't like shows with subtitles....great cast, but you have to pay way too much attention and read. they need to figure out how to make it in english.
way too much reading. you can't turn your head away for a second..thank goodness for DVR and the ability to rewind. please do not make me read or do math for my entertainment.


Oy vey, lady. Maybe turn off the TV and read a book, that might help your attention span.


So you're experiencing a sitcom the way everyone in Sweden experienced every American movie or TV show ever, with the exception of shows and movies for toddlers (we dub those). Congratulations, now you know how we feel.

Fortunately it quickly becomes second nature to read subtitles while focusing on what's going on above them.


Fortunately it quickly becomes second nature to read subtitles while focusing on what's going on above them.

So true: I've been doing it for so long, that when I'm coming out of non-English speaking movies I don't even remember having read the subtitles and thinking that I understand every language in the world.



Unless you actually have specific difficulties with reading, I don't think any of us here in Sweden even thinks about the subs.
After having read this very thread, I just put on something with subs, to see how much it takes away - and it really doesn't.
I don't even read word for word, line for line - One quick glance, and that's all I need. And I don't even think I'm considered a "fast reader", just average by Swedish standard.

I should probably be ashamed of it, but I actually didn't realize how awesome Sweden truly is, until some years ago, when I was relatively "old"(I recently turned 29)
And though I may have bitched about it then, like every other kid Ever,
our education really kicks ass. We just don't realise it until we look at the rest of the world and compare.

Some countries use subs and others use dubs, while US instead remakes movies so they won't have to do either.
Remakes should only be made of movies that are Old and Do Not stand the Test of Time. Such as(imo of course)The Texas Chainsaw Massacre/-:- Dawn of the Dead/-:- the Thing from another World/the Thing, TAXI/-:-
Often it's movies with a lot of special effects, whether practical or CG as
they tend to age quicker
(Though 2001 A Space Odyssey, for instance, have stood the test of time Remarkably well)and that's something I Can understand...not that I always like the result, but I can Understand the the idea, which at times is a good one.
Comedies however, rarely, if Ever, have the need for "updates"

But there are good, "necessary" remakes out there.
Those do not however include the following...but who wants to read, right?

[REC]/Quarantine, Mannen som hatade kvinnor/The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Old Boy/Old Boy, Låt Den Rätte Komma In/Let the Right One In,
Infernal Affairs/The Departed,

I feel bad for those who can't(won't)read subs - you truly are missing out on wonderful stories and captivating performances.

Oh, how I wish you could see the look on your I rip it from your skull


Honest to god that's the least worrisome thing about this show - not that it's bad, I like it - but WTF, ty not to be such an American stereotype - I wish more shows were subtitled!


If that is the case for you I suggest you skip Lilyhammer!



This is pathetic, OP.


Thank you, Pearl! Am I lazy? Stupid? Illiterate? NO - I once didn't mind subtitles, but I'm older now. I find subtitles distracting. I want to be watching the faces. And I'm relaxing at home, distracted by the things going on around us.
At this stage in my life, I'd rather have bad dubbing than subtitles. I'm happy with, say, Brits playing Russians, speaking English. Do I think that's what Russians sound like? No. Do I need the realism of hearing the actual language? NO again. Subtitles force you to not take your eyes off the screen. So yes - it IS taxing!
As to Americans being obnoxious overseas? It's our culture. Every culture has its pluses and minuses. We may only speak one language, but if every few states had their own language, we would surely speak more. I'm happy to only have to struggle with dialects, like Southern or the Bronx...


thank you jondoe888 for coming to my rescue...i can handle it at the movie theater when all of my attention has to be on the movie. some is ok....captain phillips, etc. i do too much multitasking...i always have my net book or phone on my lap while watching tv.

i do a lot of international traveling....and have often thought about how lucky we, americans are.....we can always find someone who will speak english. not so for people visiting the usa..

i also, am not stupid or illiterate, but am a bit lazy now..... i recently turned 70 and a retired RN. just don't want to read the subtitles....


You could always learn Swedish.
