Coconut fibres

I call bovine droppings on the whole "Looks! We founds teh coco nutz fibers" hypothesis. Just because the show claims those are coconut fibers does not mean they are actually coconut fibers [see "deck spike"].

Do the producers/editors really expect us to believe that the pirates found some island near present-day Nova Scotia, traveled some 2,000 miles south to find the fibers and traveled some 2,000 more miles back to Oak Island in order to make some "box drain" filter? Really? So the pirates thought, "Hey, since there aren't ANY islands in the Caribbean where we can bury our treasure, we must return to the island of oaks." Yeah, that almost makes sense...almost.

work is for people who don't surf


The coconut fibers and eelgrass were the late-18th century's version of today's "packing peanuts" or "bubble wrap". Ships would use the coconut fiber and eelgrass as cushion for items in transit.

There were several "privateers" on the island (including, perhaps Samuel Ball), who were basically commissioned by the government to be able to "rob" incoming ships. So, there were a lot of ships loaded and unloaded at Smith's Cove... resulting in a lot of coconut fiber and eelgrass as well.

Also, regarding the "box drains"... there have been several excavations in the past at Smith's Cove, including infamous searches by Restall and then by Dunfield... but there was even a massive undertaking by the great Dan Blankenship! There are old photos of Dan standing on some wooden "works" he and his company had unearthed. The wood structures were, at that time, believed to be salt works... probably used by the islanders to convert sea water to potable water.


Muddling up the story with facts. 

Looking at the world, through amber colored glasses. 


They also used coconuts to fashion love dolls to bang


I was thinking voodoo dolls to fit in with the curse backstory.


Swallows carried the coconuts to Oak Island.
