MovieChat Forums > Allegiant (2016) Discussion > OT - Worst/Weakest/Least Favorite Film I...

OT - Worst/Weakest/Least Favorite Film In a Series

Of the following movie series that have at least three or more movies, which installment to you find the be the worst/weakest one overall? It doesn't have to be a movie you dislike, just which is your least favorite. Remakes, crossovers and prequels count in any series that has them. With so many new sequels and remakes/reboots out now and coming out and Divergent now an ongoing series I thought this would be a good topic to do.


Star Wars

Indiana Jones

Lord Of The Rings





Star Trek

James Bond

Jurassic Park





Marvel Cinematic Universe (overall)

-Phase 1

-Phase 2

*Iron Man

**Captain America






The Godfather

Die Hard

Lethal Weapon

Back To The Future

Planet Of The Apes

The Fast And The Furious

The Expendables

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


King Kong

* Includes The Avengers along with both of their stand-alone films.

** - Includes the 1990 Captain America film.


My picks for each:

Star Wars - The Phantom Menace

Indiana Jones - The Last Crusade. Still love it though, just enjoy the others more, though this one and Crystal Skull tend to swap for me.

Lord of The Rings - Haven't seen any so far, believe it or not.

Alien - Alien Vs. Predator

Predator - Alien Vs. Predator

Terminator - Rise Of The Machines

RoboCop - RoboCop 3

Star Trek - I've only seen First Contact and liked it.

James Bond - Don't remember which I've seen, so abstain for now.

Jurassic Park - Jurassic Park III

Batman - Batman & Robin

Superman - Only seen Man Of Steel, which I liked a lot.

X-Men - The Last Stand

Spider-Man - Spider-Man 3.

Marvel Cinematic Universe (overall) - Like them all a lot and have a hard time picking a least favorite. I guess Iron Man 3 but I still enjoy it a lot.

Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase 1 - Tough choice. I suppose Thor, but I still like it.

Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase 2 - Probably Iron Man 3.

Iron Man - Probably 3, but I still like it a lot.

Captain America - The 1990 movie is the only real option. Both the MCU Cap films as well as The Avengers films are amazing.

Hulk - Haven't seen the 2003 movie but saw the 2008 reboot and The Avengers films, all are great.

Thor - Liked them all. Probably the original the least, but it's still very good.

Transformers - Original. At least the sequels were dumb fun in a way, the original to me was just dumb and boring.

Rambo - Rambo III (still love it).

Rocky - Haven't seen any, so abstain for now.

The Godfather - Been so long since I last watched any I can't fairly say.

Die Hard - A Good Day To Die Hard.

Lethal Weapon - Probably Lethal Weapon 3, though it's still pretty good.

Back To The Future - 3, but I still like it.

Planet Of The Apes - Only seen Rise/Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes and loved both.

The Fast And The Furious - The original. Not bad but forgettable, IMO.

The Expendables - The original, in all honesty. Not bad, but it doesn't fully utilze the concept, IMO.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Probably the third, though I don't think it's horrible.

Godzilla - Been too long since I watched the older one, need to go through them again. The recent 2014 film is definitely not the worst.

King Kong - See Godzilla.


Feel free to add more if you'd like.

Also have the Marvel Cinematic Universe and have Captain America, Iron Man, Thor and Hulk listed as a sub-series.


With the mixed reception Batman v. Superman is getting well before the wide release it'll be interesting to see if any pick it.


Star Wars- Episode 2 attack of the clones. I could NOT get into it.

Indiana Jones- Kingdom of the crystal skull. If Shia labeouf comes back for the next one, I won't see it.

Lord Of The Rings - I hate them all tbh. It's very boring for me. Sorry about it.

Alien -
Predator - Alien V. Predator Requiem. That film was way too dark to see what was going on and super gross.

James Bond- Dr. No. I can't watch the old films anymore. I just can't. They're too outdated.

Jurassic Park - JP3. It's just so mediocre. And how have the pterodactyls not migrated somewhere else? lol

Batman- Batman and Robin. So crappy. So very very crappy. I love Uma Thurman as Poison though.

Superman - Man of Steel. So freaking boring. And I'm not a superman fan to begin with. He's just too powerful.

X-Men- Wolverine Origins. Such a POS. I still haven't even seen The Wolverine yet because of this.

Spider-Man- Amazing Spider man 2. It was terrible. But I do love the death scene in the end. That was actually very well done and emotional. I actually cried.

Marvel Cinematic Universe (overall)

*Iron Man - Iron Man 3. SO BAD. And such a misuse of Mandarin. Come on. I'm not even a comic book fan and I was annoyed by this.

**Captain America - the first one. So boring. Way worse than the second one.

*Hulk - The first one with Eric Bana. That was just terrible.

*Thor- Number 2. I don't hate it but I really don't love it. Also there's like 15 minutes of the movie I haven't seen because I fell asleep at the exact same spot both times I saw it haha.

Transformers- The fourth one. The second one was awful and made no sense but the fourth one just shouldn't exist. Let the series die! Also, i hated the main girl in it. She was weak as hell and the whole subplot was about who should take care of her: her father or her boyfriend. How sexist is that sh*t (AND i'm A GUY!!!)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - The third one where they time traveled. I hated how different it was from the other two in the film series.

The Hunger Games - Mockingjay part 1. It's just not as interesting as the others.

Harry Potter - Half Blood Prince. I felt this movie got the worst adaptation job. It seemed they only covered the bare minimum of the story.

The Twilight Saga - New Moon. It's pretty boring admittedly and it didn't have the same touch as Twilight that made it interesting.

The Divergen Series- Insurgent.

Whatever the weather my ass! It's hot as hell out here!


I wouldn't worry about Shia being back for Indy 5 after he got on bad terms with Ford and the crew for badmouthing Indy 4.


I thought Batman v Superman was okay, somewhat of a letdown but not as bad as some are saying.


