Reel Missing

It seems that I enjoyed this movie more than most, but I thought the "Reel Missing" gimmick was completely unnecessary and out of place. It's been done before in much more clever ways (i.e. Grindhouse), and although it is obvious that this is an 80's homage, it seemed more like a straight to video 80's horror flick than a movie one would watch in a theater with missing reels. Also seemed to be a copout to avoid having to explain certain things. Would have thought much more of this movie without it.


I feel that, I thought it was just a device to make it more surprising who the final girl was, so I was upset about it until I realized why it was there.


That was definitely the lamest part of the movie. I liked it for the most part besides the missing reel and a-hole kid.

"Brother, life's a bitch. And she's back in heat!"


Yeah, it felt a bit out of place. I get that they wanted to hide the secret final girl but it would have been more satisfying to just see her escape. And if they really needed the twist, there are other ways to leave a character's fate ambiguous.


they wanted to hide the secret final girl

Oh, c'mon. We knew who the "final girl" was going to be from the very beginning. That was obvious, even with that gimmick. Heck, the gimmick of the "missing reel" made it more obvious.

I found the movie painful to watch. I don't get why I keep seeing the word "clever" attached to this mess. It wasn't an homage to the 80's horror films; it was simply a remake of them. No originality, no humor to add interest, and totally predictable. What a waste of time. Quentin Tarantino make homage movies that are fun to watch. This was just awful.


Instead of a "Reel Missing," they could've went with the more appropriate using the white squiggly lines of VHS tracking. The reel missing fits the grindhouse genre, not 80's horror films.


It felt very out of place in this movie.

It felt more like a gag that would be in a spoof horror movie, which this one wasn't.

I enjoyed this move other than that part.
