MovieChat Forums > The Forest (2016) Discussion > Absolutely terrible ending....

Absolutely terrible ending....

Sara deserved a better ending than that, to have the final shot seen through the perspective of a minor character. In general, what an anti-climactic ending. That's really the best they could do? The film had a decent build-up, but that was one of the most unsatisfying, "bleh" endings I've seen in a horror flick....and I've seen my fair share.

EDIT: "The Witch" has now taken over as most unsatisfying ending to a horror film I've seen.


I agree. I just saw this and thought it was a decent movie,but the ending was terrible. Plus she was warned by everyone she mentioned the forest to that it would play tricks on her. I mean where was Jess? Was she just lost? Was she contemplating suicide? We know nothing of Jess really,but the main character dies and the sister she went to save lives? I would have been happier if her sister died when they were kids in the murder suicide by her father and Sara was crazy.


I watched this movie a few hours ago and the ending was abrupt and horrible. I love your idea though!


The ending stunk. 4 people watched this and 3 fell asleep. Says it all really.


The ending felt so rushed, I kinda see what the story writer did there, but it still felt too rushed. And that scare at the end, it kinda ruins an already ruined ending even more, just WHY?!


OMG! Watched this last night and it truly sucked. I thought Dormer would have chosen a better script, as the whole movie was just bad. The ending was horrendous and sunk the entire show. 😖

The next time I have an idea like that... punch me in the face! -- Tyrion Lannister


I don't agree. I thought it was a good ending -- the only thing I could have done without was that one last lame jump scare they felt the need to include. Taking that out and just letting it end in such a dim manner would have been best. But I still liked it.

Also don't agree about The Witch having a bad ending. It was awesome to me and the ending was appropriate and stayed in line with the mood and atmosphere of the rest of the movie. LOVED it.


Me too, I loved it. Atmosphere was amazing. I feel like a lot of these people on this board are certified idiots to not GET this movie. If they really knew anything about Aokigahara they would have appreciated this film more. Aokigahara is one of thee most creepiest place son earth. It may just be hell.


The only problem i see with the ending, is that they almost copied the ending of Drag Me To Hell.
Two entirely different movies, but where the women you follow in both movies meets their end in almost the same way, by disappearing in to the ground and die.
Other than this its not that bad a movie about that "death forest" in Japan, which there is all this myth about.


cut she does get the last shot, when her face is on screen at the end.
