MovieChat Forums > Max (2015) Discussion > mOre dog loving bs

mOre dog loving bs

Seriously america...stfu about dogs already.


Dogs probably have done a lot more for mankind than the OP. Dogs protect livestock, they herd livestock, they detect bombs, dogs can even be trained to detect cancer, they pull sleds, dogs even have saved many people's lives. Has the OP ever saved a life of another person? Dogs have. Has the OP done anything with their lives other than argue with people on the internet? I don't know, but dogs are awesome.

Dogs have helped society progress by helping people. Dogs guide blind people and help other people with disabilities. My dog pulls me on my mountain bike.

The OP is lame, because it is not just Americans that love dogs. Many countries love dogs. It's probably France that is the top dog loving country.

Dogs are the most helpful animal and truely are man's best friend.


Oh, stop your whining! No one's forcing you to watch this movie, and I don't think anyone's forcing you to be here!

"Never mind walking a mile in my shoes. Try thinking a day in my head."
