MovieChat Forums > Jigsaw (2017) Discussion > Where the hell is Dr Gordon?

Where the hell is Dr Gordon?

The last Saw movie ended with him and a group of apprentices in pig masks, are they just gonna act as if that never happened now?


This movie didnt make any sense to me


Its like it was taking place in a new timeline or something, like Doctor Gordan being revealed as the new Jigsaw didn't happen in the last movie, and this movie is some stand alone film that doesn't acknowledge the previous ones.

Why the fuck should anyone care about that random soccer dad being the new Jigsaw? Dr Gordon was the perfect choice, it connected all the way back to the first one, now they're trying to shoehorn in this random joe schmo we've never seen before as the new Jigsaw, who they trying to fucking kid?


why the fuck would you care for a character that was out of the picture for 5 installments and then was barely seen in the last one?


The 1st Saw movie is the one i loved and the one the fans enjoyed the most, and Gordon was always a mystery to the franchise "Did he survive?" "What happened to him?". No one even remembers any other character other than him and Jigsaw. He was the only character for years whos fate we was left not knowing. We finally find out he's alive and working as the new Jigsaw and then they just forget about it?

He was the main character everyone always talked about and wondered about, so yeah i care about his character as do alot, at least he has a connection to the original movie and it makes sense he'd be the new Jigsaw. He makes a hell of alot more sense than this random soccer dad they just shoehorned in the franchise at the 8th sequel.

I don't get why you have a problem with Dr Gordon so much but are perfectly fine with this new joe schmo they shoehorned into the franchise on the 8th sequel. He looks like a 2nd rate Braden Frasier, i'd rather they kept Hoffman alive, i'd take him over this random nobody any day.


As i read up on it found out its a prequal


Not really, i mean part of the movie is a prequel, the game with the people in the barn and when it shows Jigsaw alive and well that parts the prequel, but the parts with the detectives and the ending is current day. The timeline jumps around a bit, but the very end with the new jigsaw guy where he kills the detective with the lasers is current day.

Unless all that stuff is a prequel as well but i don't think it is, they make reference that it was over 10 years ago that the game with the people in the barn took place.


i hope so. bringing back dr gordon because the stupid fanboys demanded it, was one or the many major mistakes in the last installment.


Wanting Dr. Gordon back makes people stupid fanboys? Dude, it's Saw. He was revealed in the last movie to be working with John Kramer so it makes sense for him to return at some point. This movie was hardly made for fans and look how it turned out, subpar at best.


it was ok, when they demanded it for saw...still for saw 2 ... still kiiiinda ok for saw... already kinda stupid for saw 4 .. and it just gets worse after that.
the fact that the writers caved in for saw 7 to bring him back was stupid beyond belief.

jigsaw is a new start. if the wanted any old characters, they should have brought back amanda and let her run the show, but at this point, even that would be ... well, let's go with sadly desperate, so i don't repeat myself again.

let's see what the new guy has to offer.


I don't think they caved in. The writers have spoken about Saw 7 and what went wrong and basically, the whole movie was rushed even more than all of the previous ones. They had to learn to use the 3D technology in like 3 months so that is why the movie is ugly and the colour is all fucked up, the Saw 5 director was fired and replaced with the editor of all of the Saw movies and director of 6 right before shooting was scheduled to begin (which caused drama because Kevin was to direct Paranormal Activity 2 and it felt like his heart wasn't in the creation of the movie), the writers were force to combine scripts/ideas for 7 and 8 into one movie because 6 underperformed at the box office, so Dr. Gordon got shafted and was just a generic bad guy that showed up to the close the door at the end.

8 was supposed to the be final movie and it was supposed to be about Dr. Gordon and we would have gotten character development and everything for him.

They will bring back old characters in Jigsaw 2, mark my words. Even the 4k blu ray for Jigsaw states that this isn't a brand new franchise that isn't connected to Saw, it says it is another entry in the Saw franchise. I think fans complained enough (hopefully) for the producers to take note that stuff from the older movies is needed for people to still go and care (and to actually make sense continuity wise). Even the directors of this movie (so far) aren't returning for the next after Jigsaw made $100million. You'd think they would still be on board because of it's success.

Hopefully the next movie will feature Gordon, even if it is just set up for a 3rd and hopefully final movie, less continuity errors, more Tobin Bell, perhaps an overall darker and dirtier look like the older movies and a smaller game.


Maybe Logan was one of the pig masks with Gordon? Who knows. This movie was a mini-reboot of sorts anyways. Gordon probably went back to his old life after Saw 3D. He clearly wasn't helping with the traps in this one. They could always bring him back for Saw 9, but I don't think Cary Elwes wants to do Saw anymore. I think he's moved on. Why else didn't he come back forr this one?


I’ll give Jigsaw: The Game Continues this. It’s possible Lawrence Gordon or another unrevealed accomplice were helping Logan with the game he set up in this one. It’s been said by producers in the commentary that the car Eleanor flags down at the end is possibly important for future installments.

Maybe it is Gordon. Heck, the hacksaw he used to cut his foot off went from being thrown outside the bathroom to being in Eleanor’s hidden studio closet a decade later. Unless that’s just an hacksaw for Eleanor pay tribute to Jigsaw or something.

Either Logan was one of the Pig Men at the end of Saw 3D, took the hacksaw as a souvenir, and placed it in Eleanor’s apartment to set her up. Or Eleanor got it online, like she did with the designs for the Spiralizer. But unless I’m mistaken, im pretty sure it was subtlety implied that Logan sent her the design for the Spiralizer online, and she didn’t know it was him. So maybe he sent her the hacksaw too.


Haven't watched the commentary yet but I love watching all of the commentaries for every movie cause we get hints at the future and usually they admit to things they wish they could change or talk about fan theories and opinions on the movie.

Looking forward to watching it, even though it's only a producer commentary...
