MovieChat Forums > 19-2 (2014) Discussion > Why does the remake have to be shot in M...

Why does the remake have to be shot in Montreal?

I adore the original Quebecker version of 19-2. I will gladly watch Bravo's version, even though it is mostly similar to the source material word by word and scene by scene.

However, I'm wondering why does the remake have to be filmed in Montreal? Wouldn't it have been more sensible for the story to be in Toronto, Vancouver or another major Canadian city outside of Quebec? Sound off, everybody.


I'm not sure what your issue is, here.

I'm a Prairie guy and live in Saskatoon, and I have no problem with the show being filmed in Montreal. English-speaking Canada sees very little of Quebec in TV dramas, so I'm expecting this to be quite interesting. As a matter of fact, I'll be disappointed if they don't access Montreal's unique character in the show. Every city has a unique character, and, if they use Montreal as merely any generic city, it would be a wasted opportunity.

I'd never heard of the original version of this series, probably because it's in the French language and so was not distributed to the rest of the country. I'll be interested in seeing what this version of the show has to offer and I hope that they present an obvious Montreal setting.


The original series is on French CBC, so it would have been broadcast all across the country, but that channel usually does not have many anglophone viewers. As for keeping the series in Montreal, that makes perfect sense to me. ;-)


I agree with you, it will be strange to have a show set in Montreal where the cops all have French names but speak English all the time.

Don't give me songs
Give me something to sing about


For your info, there are English speaking cops here in Montreal, they have to be bi-lingual, besides that, some English speaking people here have a french name and have English as a first language...


Perhaps it has to do with Provincial tax incentives. Province of BC has a great tax incentives for movies produced in the province for years, but reduced or dropped it and BC lost out enormously.


There's already an 'everyday cop life' tv show based in Toronto called Rookie Blue. Maybe by keeping it in Montreal it makes it different and don't have to deal with some sort of copyright issues i guess


I didn't know that there was another version until now.....

I don't remember seeing it on bravo

and I don't mind it being in montreal...

how many things are set in Vancouver or Toronto

we get rookie blue...ok, that's only in the summer....but....then we have listener.......

and in Vancouver we have motive..don't know if that's coming back...

there hasn't been a show set in montreal that I've watched in

it's good to see another city other then Toronto or Vancouver...

have to spread it around

and then you have republic of doyle...

and then there are a couple of others set in



I am sorry to report that Motive is returning for season 2.

Cracked had potential but the lead David Sutcliffe is such a diva many talented people left the set (including the creator) and season 2 only had an order of 8 episodes compared with 12-18 for other CBC series.


haynes-2 said:
"I am sorry to report that Motive is returning for season 2. "

Speak for yourself, Dude. I like "Motive" and I'm glad it's coming back.


and I too love motive...but I thought that we already had season if the show is coming back, it will be season three



Wouldn't it have been more sensible for the story to be in Toronto,
The tone of the show definitely leans toward the dramatic. Add Rob Ford into that equation, and all of the sudden you have an absurdist comedy.

"In a time of universal deceit,
telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
George Orwell


Oh gees....the billionth Rob Ford comment on the planet. How original.

Man this party is like an orgy at a campsite......its ***king in tents.


by bla_razan ยป 15 hours ago (Sat Feb 8 2014 21:28:39)
Oh gees....the billionth Rob Ford comment on the planet.
Really? The billionth?!?! I'm number 1,000,000,000?!?!? Do I win anything? This is just so awesome! Wow, I have so many questions. Tell me bla, do you have a team of linguists working for you, or are you fluent in all the world's languages, including regional dialects? If so, then that's quite an accomplishment!

With all this comment counting, I feel really honored and special that you took time out of such an imposing task to reply to me. Thanks so much for that. Now, will you handle notifying Guiness, or should I? If the onus is on me, then I suppose I'll need some authenticating paperwork; I guess if you just post your street address, Guiness cauld pop by and get that from you.

Again, thanks for the news. It's truly a valuable service you are performing.

"In a time of universal deceit,
telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
George Orwell



also rookie blue...

I'm sure that the territory that they cover isn't all

like they go...

one minute they're in the eastern part of the city and next they're in the western.....



suzan28 said:

I'm sure that the territory that they cover isn't all

like they go...

one minute they're in the eastern part of the city and next they're in the western.....

It was actually bad at times. Maybe not to the extent of being from one side of the island to the next one right after but they definitely covered more ground than they would in real life. The calls taken are from various districts while in reality, they should be assigned to only one. Still, I really enjoyed the remake (having seen both) and am looking forward to the second season (and 3rd one for the French version)


I think there are alot of interesting plot possibilities with it being in a an almost 50/50 english/french city like montreal. Possibilities to show differences but also similarities between the two.

Tv taught me how to feel now real life has no appeal


I'm mainly watching it because it was filmed at the precinct where I work, and because I'm a huge fan of the french version but let me say one thing... It does feel like they're banking on anglo-canada NOT knowing Montreal at all.

Three examples. 1) the park where they find the dead homeless guy has a name, Sqare Viger, and it's not even remotely *close* to Ontario street, much less the address he gives (2000 or 2200, not sure. That's near the SQ headquarters).

2) Cabot square. It's nowhere near where they filmed, and it's not a park you generally hang out at, seeing as it's filled with homeless people, or drunk off their
asses Inuits. It's not a place where street gangs hang out and fight over.

3) Last week's episode, the very end. Without giving any spoilers, Houle tells Barron and Chartier they'll need to close the perimeter. "Corner William and De l'Inspecteur. It's three blocks that way." Seeing as that's the EXACT spot where their precinct is, you think they'd know.

I dunno who wrote the script but I could keep going like this. It's loaded with mistakes like these, and they make it show like the 19 covers most of the town. From what I've seen so far, they take calls from at least five different precincts. (I especially like when you see them drive past the Olympic Stadium and take a call Beaudry east. It's just a 15-20 mins ride, no rush. And there's no such thing as Beaudry East.) Montreal is pretty huge.


If I remember correctly, I think even the original series (French version) wasn't always accurately correct. It gave me the impression that they were all over the place, often patrolling in other districts. Have you seen the French series? If so, could you confirm this?


It's true but they got better at it for Season 2. I think our people might have complained, and since they're working with us almost hand in hand, they fixed a few things. But yeah, Season 1 had those bad errors and they were all over the place. NOWHERE as bad as the english version though. It's not even comparable.

Edit : I just watched the last two episodes. In last week's, when Houle watches the video, you clearly see the precincts map. The 19 takes a good part of the real 20 and 21, and is pretty far most of their calls. Where Audrey was attacked, next to the Angus Loblaws, is in the 44. Preeeeeetty far off. And it's not even close to "Berri and Marianne".


on the cop show in Toronto rookie blue....they a lot of times don't get things right

