Loved S1 but S2 is boring

I watched S1 in 3 days or so, something that hasn't happened since I started watching Breaking Bad a few years ago.

But S2 is just so different. I can't keep focus on the episodes since they are pretty boring. It's like a whole other tv show.

I was wondering if there are more shows like this one, specifically like the first season? Maybe Supernatural?


Maybe Grimm?


I'm not sure exactly what you mean by shows like this one. If you mean shows about vampires then I would definitely recommend The Strain on FX.


No. No. Grimm and The Strain was awful compared to the first season of this imo. Quality wise, Ash vs Evil Dead is ore compared to it. That show got a lot of haters, but sky high ratings, and i'm really in for a ride on that one now. People have different opinions though.


The Strain is a lot better than this imo. It's the only vampire/horror show that I look forward to watching. True Blood, for example, I really liked that at first but it's a sexy show that isn't gripping, exciting, scary or anything I want from an adult horror TV show. It's pretentious imo in fact. Supernatural is the same, it's for girls and women that fall in love with actors for their looks....

I haven't watched many episodes of this but I'll start again and see if my opinion is different.


This series is getting worse than Texas Blood Money


witter56 posted...

I watched S1 in 3 days or so, something that hasn't happened since I started watching Breaking Bad a few years ago.

But S2 is just so different. I can't keep focus on the episodes since they are pretty boring. It's like a whole other tv show.

I was wondering if there are more shows like this one, specifically like the first season? Maybe Supernatural?

I completely agree with you. Season 1 was so awesome. I don't know what happened, but season 2 is just so boring. It feels like they did not really know what to do with the show past season 1.


No offense intended, but you are obviously certifiably mad. 😛

S1 was quite fun, but S2 has been insanely great -- they amped up everything.


I liked season 1, but I loved season 2! Both are great but I think I enjoyed season 2 little more. Especially the bad-ass finale!

Long Live My Brothers-


I agree 100% I think the reason is because the Tarantino influence is completely gone.

The first season recapping the movie means that most of Tarantino's humour is preserved in the show, but with season 2 it's just so over-dramatic and everyone's just mopey and dour.

I wanted to watch this show to have fun, not to watch Telemundo with vampires.


You hit the nail on the head. I couldn't quite figure out what was missing, but this was it 100%.

I mean they kinda ruined the dynamics the movie set forth and split everyone up in a really melodramatic setting.

The movie and the show are at their best when the "team" is together and without that team the magic isn't there.

I also think adding all the cheese romance crap really ruins the mood. There's no romance in the movie aside from hinting at chemistry with an underage girl. All the dating and whining with almost no comedy just screws it all up.

Tarantino does not take his characters seriously so this show trying to make these characters serious is just off-putting. This is a guy who can spend an hour introducing characters and then kill all of them in a comedic way only to start over brand new characters.


I have very much enjoyed both seasons. This is a fun and unique show.



I agree. I dropped off season 2, but will continue it soon. It just didn't trigger me as much


I disagree. I love both seasons but I think S2 was better. I loved to finally get original storylines.


Most every recent new broadcast drama show starts off with a really fun first season - Blacklist, Person Of Interest, Supernatural, Grimm, Arrow for example. In time, the stat people at the TV companies see that female viewers out number male viewers for these shows, so the smart thing for TV companies to do is to change the demographic so that the show develops more in a way that appeals to female viewers so they can deliver the higher demographic to advertisers. Meantime, as the changes to the shows edge more and more into the female empowerment zone, more and more male viewers give up. Most of the above shows are now soap operas with guns. In fact most broadcast shows are not worth watching now because of the 'Woman strong', 'Man weak/stupid' cliche. Some shows take a few seasons for the changes to become apparent but some i.e. Blacklist, Arrow for example hit by the start of their second season.

Broadcast shows can take a hike, not because I have a problem with female empowerment, but when it's done so blatantly as the broadcast companies do, then it's time to tune out.......

......and tune in to cable TV series - Banshee, Daredevil, The Expanse, The Man in the High Castle, Bosch etc. etc. where there are no advertising demo-graphs to worry about and so balanced, intelligent shows can be written. Once live football is available to chord cutters, the networks will be done and thank God for that.

For more realistic portrayal of female empowerment, watch the cable shows, both male and female actors are not portrayed as harpies or pussies, they play 'real'.


Quantico and Minority Report were kind of like that too.

I don't think that Person of interest was too soapy, though. They did add more female characters, but the show wasn't really centered on relationships. It just became more of an AI/government conspiracy-focused show, and that changed the case of the week format.

Who wants to live forever?
