MovieChat Forums > Iron Fist (2017) Discussion > Has Doctor Strange been playing around w...

Has Doctor Strange been playing around with reality or something?

How can this show be so bad compared to other Netflix shows set in this universe?

It's like they've purposefully gone out of their way to push the boundaries of absolute drivel for shits and giggles.

The only redeeming quality this show had was the guy who played Ward. That's some comedy genius there. He should get his own show.


Everyone's entitled to their own opinion. I loved the show.


The real reason you thought it was terrible is because you had a problem with Finn's casting. There's no other legitimate reason to criticize this show unless you mad bro! (Just kidding, it's just the kind of thing you've heard from White Justice Whiners.)

Anyway, it's a very flawed show but I liked it for the most part. Colleen was great, Madame Gao was at her best, and Harold wasn't too bad himself
