MovieChat Forums > Still Alice (2015) Discussion > Kristen Stewart is painful to watch, she...

Kristen Stewart is painful to watch, she seems like she hates acting yet

continues to force herself to do for some reason.

She seems like she's in physical pain in every scene. Like she's fighting her tics and awkwardness and losing every time.

She obviously can't shed her own persona and inhabit a role. She should quit.


Watching her robot performance, and her with her hair looking like a rat's nest, I wanted to scream.

**Have an A1 day**



I have never been a Twilight fan so I have no idea about her talents there, but I thought Kristen did a wonderful job in this movie. She is a very talented actress who will likely be getting more roles like this one.


Could not agree more!

She's a real carpenter's dream "Flat as a board and needs a screw"


Kristen Stewart is always painful to watch, she's just too emo and her entire outlook on life seems to be completely dark, hateful, and negative


I love her, she's great.

She looks an average girl, but has a bright I can't see in any other actress.

Her character had problems, she was doing what she loved to do but was unable to get money from it, her mother was ill. What do u want the character to do?

And also she's cute.


Yep, OP.


Hers was the second best performance in the film.

She's great. One of the better actresses working today.


I think people bring too much baggage with them to these boards. This was the first Kristen Steward film I've seen since Panic Room, and I think she was perfect in the role.

Stewart portrayed well the child who understood her mother better than her siblings, (and her father for that matter), and was able to detach her own emotions in order to do what was best for her mother.

My only complain was the degree in which Stewart was used during the marketing of the film, yet she had relatively little screen time.
