MovieChat Forums > Still Alice (2015) Discussion > Kristen Stewart is painful to watch, she...

Kristen Stewart is painful to watch, she seems like she hates acting yet

continues to force herself to do for some reason.

She seems like she's in physical pain in every scene. Like she's fighting her tics and awkwardness and losing every time.

She obviously can't shed her own persona and inhabit a role. She should quit.


I read somewhere that she's not an actress, she's a script reader.


She is no actress, all right. We all agree. So, what the...are they thinking putting her in a movie like this? She is painful to watch. Poor Julianne, to have to interact with this piece of wood.


Thought the same thing

She's a real carpenter's dream "Flat as a board and needs a screw"



They aren't in the same league.. not even in the same sport!


She obviously can't shed her own persona and inhabit a role.

Nailed it.
She has a lovely screen presence(which IMO is what has kept her far)but what you mentioned is the very core of her acting problems.


I agree.



Yeah but as much as we might like her as a person I don't know why we should wait for her to become a better actress...there are other talents waiting for an opportunity which I think deserve a chance.


there are other talents waiting for an opportunity which I think deserve a chance.



This is ridiculous. You are talking about an actress who got great reviews for her performance. If critics were calling her an abomination you might have some room to whine but it#s the opposite. Many had her on a shortlist to be nominated for BSA! General audiences are enjoying her acting too. You are talking through your a$$hole



Rarely do I rely on any one individual critic's or group of critic's review(s) of a movie, a actor's portrayal, a director's vision, a screenplay to determine for me what I regard as a fair worth of my time and money (which is really ultimately a measure of the time I spent earning it).

I have found the despite universal distaste for certain celebrities that almost everyone has they keep reappearing like a log of turd that simply refuses to go down the tube, merely circling the bowl and bobbing defiantly (e.g., Kardashians, Paris Hilton, Kanye, Snooki, Justin Bieber, Chris Brown, Lindsay Lohan, Ashton Kutcher, Donald Trump).

The reason is that they have their publicity machines paying bloggers, celebrity gossip mag writers, red carpet reviewers, entertainment 'reporters' and rag columnists continually dumping favorable opinions through social media and search engines. Even the once regarded to be prestigious Academy Awards have been revealed to be more about which movie, which director and which actors have the most effective invisible campaigns, lobbying for victory.

Thus, your reliance on favorable reviews or so called critics who side with KS is dubious support for your position that she is a credible actress capable of rendering a compelling portrayal of a character entirely unlike her default persona. The fact is that she sucked the life out of her own portrayal of Bella long before Edward sunk his fangs into her, and in Snow White and the Huntsman, she had me rooting for the Queen instead. Her rendition of what should have been rousing a 'speech' rallying the rebellious forces against the evil Queen was so vacant any emotion, any passion, or even modicum of inspiration that it was a wonder they all didn't drop their weapons and call it day. I gave her a chance watching her in other roles, and she has thoroughly tanked each and every role she's had including Twilight. Let's face it, the extras in Warm Bodies had more charm, and presence in their milliseconds on screen than the object of your extreme myopia.


I agree 100%. You nailed it on the head in your analogy.



Two wrongs don't make Kristen right.


i haven't seen her in much and wouldn't watch the twilight stuff if you paid me... but i had no problem with her part in this film. then again, maybe i haven't seen enough of her roles to make any sort of accurate conclusion about her talent.


I never watched any of her Vampire movies but have seen her in some great movies before that and recently.
I don't get why people always need to diss her. I really like watching her. She has a fantastic appeal and as far as I can tell her acting is good.
Maybe she isn't generic enough for some people.


People hating on have seen films like twilight series where her performances and the movies mostly are terrible.

But they haven't seen some of her excellent performances in films like:

The Cake Eaters
The Runaways
Panic Room

She's a fine actress.



As a fan of Kristen, I have never heard her complain about acting. She complain about some of the same things, other actors do. 99% of actors complain about things that come with acting. Kristen loves acting and loves talking about the process.

As for the Chekhov play, she was suppose to be off in that scene. The character even mentions she was nervous with her love ones in attendance. She mentions she wasn't very good.


Have you seen her in the Twilight movies? Anything else?

I haven't. So I saw her for the first time in this movie. I'm having a hard time understanding all the hate about her on this board. I'm thinking there's a history there with some people having seen other movies she's done.

As someone who has never seen her in anything before, I thought she did a good job. It was a small role, though.

I also think people think the daughter should have been a more emotional, warm, loving daughter. That wasn't the character. The younger daughter was independent, rebellious, cool and hip. She loved her mother deeply, but it was just under the surface, not on top. So that's how Stewart played her.

She was fine. It wasn't much of a role, though. The movie was almost all Moore and Baldwin.


I highly recommend Into the Wild and Adventureland for two very strong Stewart performances. Very good films, too.



I have seen her in a few other things, and I think it's fair to say she's not exactly a dramatic chameleon, but like you I thought she did a really fine job here. It may be that she chooses her roles to suit her temperament, it may be that she is not like the women she portrays at all, I don't know, but the main thing is that in all the things I've seen her in, she's been at least good enough, if not very good.

One of the problems she has is that the Twiglet stuff seems to attract a lot of haters, and I think she may be getting tarred with that brush whenever she shows her face. That's unfair. I'm a 40 something bloke, so not Twiglet saga's target demographic by any means, nor do I have any of the bias against that many seem to come to the films with - I thought they were great films for what they were setting out to do, and there's no reason to fault Stewart for her work there or elsewhere as far as I can see, other than prejudice.

Another well known actor who was no chameleon is - in my humble opinion - John Wayne. Always the same person on screen, come what may. I think he's contributed quite a lot to cinema with lots of praise compared to his talent. Why this focus on Stewart? I wonder if her gender plays a part in that...?
