MovieChat Forums > Logan (2017) Discussion > The Joe Logan Experience-Review of the f...

The Joe Logan Experience-Review of the film Logan (spoilers)

Logan is your every man, if every man took steroids, was Canadian, and lived hundreds of years. Just like the man he was named after (Joe Rogan) Logan Wolverine is both strong and dying.
The 2 hour story begins with Logan killing loads of Mexicans, and he doesn't stop there, he kills bloody everyone in this fucking film. He even kills the notion that Canadians are bad fathers (lol). A harmless joke, but jokes can kill too, just like the innocent looking girl "Joe" Logan inherits from a Mexican lady after she is brutally murdered in a motel.
The little girl is called Laura, and she is an absolute maniac. She has Joe's metal claws and healing ability, even has claws coming out of her feet! Talk about a bad hair day haha! And it gets worse when Stephen bloody Merchant turns up in drag, does absolutely nothing and then throws a grenade at the end. Useless.
They meet Xavier who is no longer a powerful, composed, leader and teacher of men. No no, now he is pathetic. He can't control his mind anymore, and a telepathic man who can't control his own mind anymore may as well just die half way through the movie.
Hugh Jackman gives a solid performance as Joe Rogan; disheveled, high, roided (and washed) up, and one more Tequila away from a severe mental breakdown. This is Jackmans best performance and he also gets to play the "evil" Logan; a doppelganger named X or Y or some shit, doesn't matter he gets killed by Laura during one of her "turns". Btw you think she's messed up now, with all the people she's killed, all the x-men comics she reads distorting her already conflicted view on reality, reading her dad portrayed as a costumed super-hero and then finally meeting him and he's actually Joe Rogan, after all this young girl has been through before the film, during the film and presumably after the film, wait till she watches a re-run of E.R.



Lol funny review. Am I the only one who read the title as "Joe Rogan"?
