MovieChat Forums > Welcome to Marwen (2018) Discussion > Who else likes this movie?

Who else likes this movie?

I saw this movie at a critic screening before its premiere and thought it was quite touching and well made. Guess my shock to find everyone else loathed it when it came out!

I feel like alot of people kind of miss the point. I had never heard of this dude or Marwen or that documentary everyone mentions. I didn’t even know it was based on a true story until the credits rolled, and perhaps that made it better for me. Most people don’t understand why all the girls were so endearing and accepting of his ideas but I thought it was obvious. 1: they know he suffered traumatic brain damage and understand he’s not mentally stable anymore and are just being nice, and 2: the film is hinted to be an exageration of life from his point of view. Some of the women ARE creeped out by Carrell’s character, like Leslie Mann, who is only nice to him because her brother has autism and she understand how Carrell’s character thinks. Am I only the only one who saw these things?

Also, I liked how the film played against from cliches for the most
part. When the german nazi dude shows up and parks his car right next to Carrell’s exhibit, you think there’s gonna be a scene where he destroys the dolls and laughs maniacally before leaving, and then we sulk and cry as Carrell cradles his destroyed creations in his arms. Thankfully this doesn’t happen. Also, Carrell and Mann don’t get married or even hook up as one would usually expect. The one lame cliche that I didnt like is the court room scene where Carrell gives a powerful speech that makes even the villains cry, but otherwise I liked the originality.

Who else liked it? It’s no masterpiece or anything but it’s very well directed and acted, and not worth the hate at all.
