MovieChat Forums > Brotherly Love (2015) Discussion > I'll pass. Tired of hood films

I'll pass. Tired of hood films

I'm happy to see they are getting work, and hope it does well, but I'm personally tired of these types of films. We have to bring something new to the table.

Well Hello!


Netflix recommended this to me after I watched Dope the other day. I gave it a chance, but unfortunately the writing and acting just aren't up to par. It plays out a lot like a "hood" soap opera, or maybe a really good college student play. One really good example is when Jackie goes to the recording studio with her boyfriend and sings a really cheesy song, and then they're kissing and all of a sudden it flashes to them laying down and she tells him she's "never done this before." Not five minutes later she's looking at a pregnancy test. It's just a very jarring set of transitions that I would partially blame on poor editing. Another example is the constant repetition of the fact that Chris is "from the Hill." It's almost like the writers felt someone had to say it every 10 minutes to remind people that the kids from the Hill aren't welcome.

The other unfortunate thing I found about this movie is that it enforces a very negative cultural stereotype. A lot of young black kids believe that their only "way out" is to become a singer or athlete. I have seen it firsthand with kids who ignore real opportunities in search of a dream that they'll never achieve. I see kids who give their entire lives to playing basketball when they aren't even NCAA Division II recruits, let alone future pros. In this movie, we have a brother and sister who are the embodiment of this mindset. The brother is going to be a basketball star. The sister is a singer who happens to catch the attention of a rich kid whose dad is in the music industry. It's ridiculous. The reality is the odds of becoming rich and famous are slim for anyone, and as we have seen repeatedly with rappers and NFL players, even when you get rich you don't necessarily escape the hood. In this movie, the basketball player even gets let off the hook by a cop who recognizes and lets him go during a failed robbery.That doesn't happen very often in real life. The movie even ends with Serge driving a Bentley.

Watch it if you're interested, but don't expect something new or insightful. It's Boyz in the Hood if Tyler Perry wrote it.


Too bad. Very good unpredictable movie


Your loss. This movie was dope


capgpro, it is clear to see you're easy to please. And please melrosebeach, insult John Singleton and Boyz N the Hood, comparing this p.o.s to that hood classic. addeisdead said it best. This movie was completely absurd. The writing, directing and the performances were all ridiculous and amateurish. And the last ACT had to be the worst last act I have ever seen, making this film a complete abysmal waste of pixels.

If you're a filmmaking, do yourself a favor and see this film so you can have a sense of what not to do when writing a story for film.

addeisdead is the only one who seems to have sense here.

Million Dollar Baby Academy Award® Winner for Best Picture of 2004


The director's film "Streets" is awful across the board. Brotherly Love is actually a good movie with good acting.
