
Can't say I'm surprised.
“Daydreaming subverts the world.” ~ Raoul Vaneigem


I'm not surprised but it sucks because the show was so good and interesting the first season.



I'm actually kind of sad. Yes, season 2 was upsetting. Too many unrealistic situations, too much drama packed into each episode. BUT, if Hulu picked it up, I think the show could return to its original glory.


I love Finding Carter! It's admittedly a cheesy drama, but one I enjoyed. I hate to see it go! I hope they decide to bring it back!


I love it too. Why do most good shows get cancelled? Ugh.


I was thrilled to hear this. The show just wasn't working anymore.

A bit of the old ultraviolence...


So thrilled that you decided to come back and post about it 6 months later?


I lost interest after the first season. Carter got on my nerves too much. The storylines were also unrealstic. No way would a bar hire Carter unless they wanted to loose their liquor license. Plus, no jury would ever, ever side with Lori. And no fertility clinic would ever release information like that without a criminial investigation happening or internal affairs busting them. So many things wrong with the show and I can't name them all in one post.
