Announced to be 5 movies total



People complaining about the book...but this is not about the 2009 book. These are original screenplays. Everyone bitching about no originally in Hollywood and then when something original comes out, they bitch some more. Honestly...


Books and screenplays are two different things, and require separate skills.


Really that's the main thing. We can't say they're stretching out the story or that there's no reason this has to be 5 movies because - apart from the Grindelwald & Dumbledore story - we really have no idea how grand or expansive this story is because there aren't any books these movies are based on. With something like The Hobbit, saying they milked and stretched the hell out of it by making 3 really long movies is completely fair to say because that was based on a very short novel.


we really have no idea how grand or expansive this story is because there aren't any books these movies are based on.

Given the era in history, it is fairly simple to figure out the scope. The Fantastic Beasts series will probably be dealing with, what the wizarding world was doing leading up to and during WWII. It seems rather large, but five film could be excessive.


How many years are involved doesn't matter (surely it's gonna end in 1945 so even that is almost 20 years still), it's what happens in each one that really matters and we have no clue what that is.


I would guess that each film will coincide with a major historical event during that era.


And it has already been said that the next film will take place in another major city which is awesome and really differentiates itself from the Potter series.


My guess (if it will be a US city) is Boston, MA.


I will reserve my judgement until I see at least first part.


I'm very intrigued and hyped about this movie so I have faith it will be good

And it's not like they're making 1 book into 5 movies...

It's a story JK is writing and it could be 5 or 10 stories. Who cares... Enjoy it :D

I know I will


Same. I loved Rowling's plotting in HP and so I'd like to trust that she knows what she's doing and that this movie will open up tons of possibilities. Best-case scenario, I leave the film wishing it was more than five!

At the same time I haven't been too inspired by the promotional material, but I've been won over by plenty of films with trailers that didn't interest me. Fingers crossed.

If John Williams Scored Harry Potter 4-8:
