Announced to be 5 movies total



Not sure I like that at all. Sounds like a recipe for story bloat. Makes me question if the scripts quality will drop and drop as it goes.

Can someone please rescue David Yates from this? He's a talented director and I don't want him to be stuck here forever.


Was that mentioned during the IMAX featurette?

Seriously, a trilogy was not enough?


I thought it was supposed to be a trilogy? It seems that JK and WB are trying to milk this franchise for as long as possible. Five movies seems a little much. I would have preferred a trilogy. Scamander is no Harry Potter. My expectations are very low.


I thought it was supposed to be a trilogy?

A placeholder number. Once Rowling broke down the story she wants to tell, it became five.


Is Rowling going to write all 5 movies? If so I guess it's acceptable, although I don't see how Newt Scamander and his story is interesting enough to justify that many movies.

My second thought is: Don't sign Yates for all the movies. I like his style, but please give us some variety.


Are you aware he's working on 2? I bet it's all 5


Yeah, I heard. I'd rather see Yates do a freaking Tarzan sequel than 5 Fantastic Beasts movies. I would like to see other movies from him. His mini-series State of Play was excellent. Why can't he do more drama and thriller movies? He is clearly good at it.


He had a lot of projects I was excited about lined up: Cicero, Saint Nazaire, Fables, Your Voice in My Head. Your Voice he had to abandon due to a family crisis, Saint Nazaire seemed to have dropped off the face of the earth. He will do a Fables film at some point. Cicero was announced in 2013, but Yates said it was a ‘slow-burn’ to bring it together back then. Is it still on the table? Not sure. In an interview about Tarzan he mentioned he had some smaller dramas he was interested in as well. He did have a sequel outlined for Tarzan, too, but I’m not sure that’s going to happen now.


Cicero sounds great. Tom Hardy and Al Capone? Sold.


I can't say anything about state of play because I haven't seen it.

But I saw someone say this in another thread (it might have been you). I think Yates should be handed a horror movie. His scene in HBP with the cave is extremely atmospheric IMO. And there is some creepy imagery with all those bodies in the water.

I've always wanted to see Yates work on game of thrones. For me the drama in that series sticks out more than the fantasy.


Yeah, I think I did say Yates should try horror in another thread. The cave scene, Snape's death scene, Voldemort killing the teacher at Malfoy Manor are all examples of effective horror scenes. Yates nails them every time. Big action fantasy scenes on the other hand? More hit and miss there unfortunately.


Snape's death scene,

Yes!!! I know based off that, that you said it Also the locket scene with ghost Harry wasn't really horror, I guess... but it felt really sinister.

As far as the action scenes I totally agree. Which is why I want him for GOT. I personally hate the more action focused GOT now compared to how it was. I think he would be a good director for more drama focused episodes


I'd never thought about it, but I guess you're right. That scene with Batilda bagshot, too, was tense as hell.


I'd never thought about it, but I guess you're right. That scene with Batilda bagshot, too, was tense as hell.

Oh my god I forgot about this one. I remember being shocked at how creepy it was and how much he got away with in Harry Potter.


I'd never thought about it, but I guess you're right. That scene with Batilda bagshot, too, was tense as hell.


I think that scene would make even Hitchcock secretly jealous at the level of suspense.


For Yates to do horror, he’d need to have a good script. Most of the horrors coming out now are poorly written and one-note, and all following the same patterns and ideas. I like the idea of him doing a horror film, but I don’t think it’d happen unless he got something interesting handed over to him. (Actually, I’d like to see him handle George R.R Martin’s antebellum vampire novel ‘Fevre Dream’.) Now that I think about it, he was apparently looking into a Western at one point. He also was rumoured to be doing a spy-type film (I think?) called 'Who is Jake Ellis?'

I’m hoping he might to a small drama between the next two Beasts film. Something more lean and gritty, perhaps in the 80-90 minute range. Something along the lines of Taxi Driver, maybe. Cicero sounds like an epic – a grand, operatic take on a monstrous and mythological man. It’d be great. I hope he can make it happen in the future.


To be fair you dont really know Newts story yet. Your second thought I completely agree with. Yates will make the franchise stale just like he did with later Harry potter movies in my opinion.


You are right I don't know how his story will evolve. At this point, however, I don't feel much enthusiasm for following his character over the course of five movies. My perspective might change as we get to know him better in the first one.


Of course we only know the characters from pieces of info and trailers, but the main quartet seem like a pretty cool gang. Specially Jacob. Hope he sticks around for the rest of the series.


Well atleast there is one thing we agree on lol


Keep in mind that after the IMAX Event we learned that Grindelwald is wreaking havoc on the world. I believe that the direction they are taking is gonna be the same formula as the old movies. A dark wizard that is putting terror in the magic community around the world.

Second: Newt can take us for the 1st time to the other schools of magic : Uagadou, Mahoutokoro,Castelobruxo, Ilvermorny and the others from the 11.

Maybe I'm wrong, but the stories of meeting another ways of magic sound cool.

"Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn"


Second: Newt can take us for the 1st time to the other schools of magic : Uagadou, Mahoutokoro,Castelobruxo, Ilvermorny and the others from the 11.

The sequel is probably taking place in the USA, since Zoe Kravitz is meant to play a bigger role in it. Only Ilvermorny is likely to appear, given that Grindelwald may believe the Isolt Sayre hid the Resurrection Stone somewhere in the school.


Let's see

From what I saw in the first 10 minutes yesterday it looks like a fun new way of getting to know the first dark wizard. That's what I'm most exited to see.

"Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn"


Yates confirmed Grindelwald will have a prominent role in the second film.


2 more movies with Eddie.

We need more. Definitely.


This is JK Rowling. She said Harry Potter was going to be 7 books, and each and every single one of them was important and fantastic. If she says this story needs 5 movies, then I believe her!!

I think we are about to see the birth of another epic, and I can barely contain my excitement!!


Even with learning the Tom Riddle's diary was a horcrux, CoS was still just a filler story. GoF and OotP also had too many subplots, that added nothing to Harry's story.

So, this just seems like J.K. Rowling going a little too crazy with her imagination. Just because something sounds like a good idea, does not make it so.


I don't know if you're complaining or not, but Goblet of Fire and Order of the Phoenix were great, great books, and pure form of escapism. To me, it doesn't really matter if a book was a "filler" or if another book had too many subplots. Of course, after Order of the Phoenix, the series started going downhill, but I rest my case.



Warner Bros is using HP as back up just in case DC movies fail.


I'm excited. The Harry Potter series got 7 books and 8 movies. I don't think it is crazy to do 5 movies for this story.
