

It's weird to say it, because of the subject matter, but it is a wonderful film. And I think seeing things from Jack's point of view really helped with that. It would've been too horrific otherwise. But I feel a sense of wonder with the little boy narrating. The way he interacts with his environment in Room and him discovering this whole other world outside of it.

Also I think it amplifies Ma's frustration and later her depression after they escape. And it is a lot to come to terms with, not only her rape, but all those lost years. I don't blame her for keeping Jack, because he might have been the only thing that was keeping her alive and fighting.

I've seen it a few times and I always bawl my eyes out.

The only scene I really dislike is when Jack is in the police car. The whole exchange between the police woman and Jack, and the two police officers feels forced to me.



And their whole back and forth just sounds odd.

I think the reunion is where I lost it as well. And it was all sobbs after that! I'm not too fond of crying in public, but I just couldn't hold it in at the screening.

Anyway, the little boy is a great talent! I hope he has some good people around him to help foster it.


I've just watched the movie on HBO...what I don't understand why her dad couldn't accept his nepiew,he don't even look at him...I liked that after his mother try to kill herself,jack remained strong and help his mother to get over it.
