MovieChat Forums > Extant (2014) Discussion > I'm just not understanding what is the p...

I'm just not understanding what is the point of this show?

It's like this odd boring soap operas like LOST that makes no sense.

Can someone just tell me what is the point? Who's the bad guy? What's the monster?


I feel like Extant makes a lot of sense, but to me feels like it's just overall kind of weak this season because there's no stability. In season 1 we had Molly, Ethan, and John as a family that grounded everything that happened. Season 2 starts out blowing that all up so there's no comfortable moments to relax. It's just tense situation after tense situation. The season hasn't been bad, but the pacing has me pretty tired of it.

I get what I think they are trying to do with the three species all fighting for survival and using each other. Same really as the overall theme of season 1. I'm just not sure I care anymore.

Granted I'm still watching the show and will finish the season. It's leagues better than most CBS dramas, but I am not sure I'll watch a season 3 if it's made.


Maybe your I.Q. is too low to grasp it. Try Sesame Street, champ.

Fate is what you call it when you don't know the name of the person screwing you over.


lol, sesame street is way above this show
