Please cbs, we want season 3 for extant.

The show has become really good (it was already pretty good in season 1 actually).

I can't wait to see all that happens in the future with the hybrids and humans fighting together and stuff.. :)




Yes, another season of this would be good. They salvaged this show, saved it. It went from having a good sci-fi premise with awful execution and actors looking completely lost in Halle land in 1st season to a sillier/stolen premise executed really well with stronger performances in the 2nd. There's still room for improvement and season 3's the chance.


Agreed, I want a season 3 also.


Yes, voting for S 3!


If they could give Under the Dome three seasons, they should give this three seasons. I can't believe they are comparing this to UTD, which completely derailed after the first season.
Extant is much better than UTD, but that's not saying a lot...


If Extant has similar costs to produce and similar ratings (or better) than UTD, then it should get a 3rd season, logically, but unexpected things happen.

To be honest, i think UTD derailed pretty much in its second episode of the first season, the pilot was fresh and interesting, with minor acting/writing flaws, but the second episode just confirmed that they werent just flaws but a structural and recurring thing, which turned it into a guilty pleasure for me early on.

Extant started out looking way less generic than UTD had already become (or Falling Skies etc.).
But the focus on human drama and the shift to action in season 2 just undermined the intelligent plot that they started out with, much like that show Ascension which took a turn for the worse as well.

Although i enjoyed watching both UTD and Extant, i think they both ran their course.
Weirdly enough i get more excited thinking about Big Jim and his secret Anti Alien Agency in an over-the-top spin-off a la M.I.B, than thinking about a new season of Extant where either humans and hybrids live in "peace", or fighting armies of Humanichs from TAALR, or Molly and friends living their lives as if nothing happened and slowly get tangled up in the shadowy TAALR organization or something, its just done to Death many times, it would be hard to give it an original spin.

I'd say, write Big Jim into the plot of Extant season 3, give him an eye-patch, some black armored pads, a spaceship and a crew (maybe JD Richter or Barbie too?), and let him go huntin' spores and Aliens in Space for the greater good.
Maybe i will tune in for a good laugh :)


I'm so sad that I discovered this great show AFTER it was cancelled. My hopes were so high until I finished binge-watching the second season and then tried to search for the third. It was like hitting a stone wall. I should have known from the way it seems that they rushed things along, like John dying in S2E1. I was sad that my eye-candy Adhu got killed off, too. However, I LOVE this show and I was excited for its future. I'm buying the DVDs even though I have access to the episodes for free. They can sit right next to my beloved Carnivale, which was also cancelled far too soon :( Why do they keep doing this to me? COMMIT, PEOPLE.
