MovieChat Forums > Natt til 17. (2014) Discussion > Are Norwegians super pissed about this m...

Are Norwegians super pissed about this movie?

I just watched the trailer on youtube and Norwegians sound furious about this movie in the comment section, writing things such as:

"Who ever made this poison needs to be murdered"

"Absolutely *beep* vile! The displaying of this behavior to teenagers as "hip" is criminal and punishment worthy! Shame on the director and you for promoting this absolute cultural-marxist and anti-European/White filth!
Miscegenation and promotion of 16 year olds having sex? Norway your going down a dark path in which you will soon reap!
Boycott this filth!"

"What a load of junk! Gods sake Norway, youth is the future, and this is how you want it shown and taught?
Just disgusting."

"Another Jewish production designed to indoctrinate Whites to pave their own road to Hell."

I've never seen people so up in arms about a movie. What's the deal, Norwegians?



Thanks. To return the favor, I ask that you please follow these simple instructions:

1. Light your hair on fire

2. Start punching yourself in the face repeatedly

I guarantee that you'll feel SATISFIED and GLAD afterward.


I just watched the movie.

Not sure what other norwegians think about it, but personally I thought it was a bit of a crappy movie. You can't really expect norwegian movies to be good anyway though. Cinematography was okay, acting was okay (for a norwegian production), storyline was crap, ending was annoying and pointless.

Although I despise a lot of the behavior that was displayed in the movie, it actually reflects what some people are like in reality.

Teens definitely have sex around 15-16 in norway, so I don't know why anyone would be complaining about that.

I think some of the anger towards this movie might be from racists (or jealous white kids) who don't appreciate seeing a black fellow with a cute norwegian girl. I remember back when this movie came out there was commotion revolving around a film reviewer who had written in his review that the relationship between the boy and the girl was unrealistic.

Regardless, not such a good movie (reflected by the poor IMDB rating), and not really worth watching.

I actually went and checked out the trailer on youtube and it seems the comments are disabled. What a shame, I wanted to see what you had seen :D


I don't see how you have to be racist to call out a movie that has an obvious agenda.

And the blonde Nordic actress has had two other roles at least where she is the slutty blonde with Somali men. That's not a coincidence.
