MovieChat Forums > Now You See Me 2 (2016) Discussion > Just didn't buy Ruffalo as an action her...

Just didn't buy Ruffalo as an action hero at all

He was doing the flips and swinging stuff - but I just wasn't buying it

Maybe I've seen him in too many movies where he was kinda laid back slacker?

Just wasn't buying it for some reason


Agreed! It looked ridiculous.


That is because you have an erroneous preconceived image of him. He was actually an accomplished athlete and wrestler in his younger days and seeing him as an action hero is OK once you know that. Certainly easier than accepting Jennifer Lawrence, Shailene Woodley, or Scarlett Johansson as action heros.

..*.. TxMike ..*..



Exactly, a female action hero, who are they trying to fool!

