Remake unnecessary

The book was rather short - the original movie covered absolutely everything in the book - almost verbatim. I wonder how they are going to spread this tight, well-paced book over 4 hours. Sounds like there will be a lot of filler. If the original book hadn't been covered in the movie, I could see it. I just think this re-make is completely unnecessary.

"Well, make something up!"/RG


I watched (the original) Rosemary's Baby about a year ago on cable TV, and was reminded how phenomenal it is.

But I happen to Love remakes of my favorite movies. I feel the same way about popular songs being redone or covered.

Why have only one "interpretation" of a story, I totally agree. Some are better than others. Almost always the original is considered the best, and the "re-interpretations" come under much criticism.

I still really enjoy seeing them though.


I am slightly surprised at all the hate for this remake. I guess it has partly to do that it really deviates from the book unlike the original movie that people say was extremely faithful. I thought it was kind of good they used characters a little younger for the coven because it makes them more easy to relate to the two main characters in terms of the storyline and the way they spend time together I guess. I think a good idea they could have gone with would be to have the coven have both younger members and older members.

The scary clown doll is hiding under my bed.
